About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Pictures of my baby

Hopefully neither of Cambi's grandmas are looking at this cause this is the video that I made for them for Christmas. It's pictures of my pregnancy and Cambria after she was born. It's a little long, like 5 minutes, but it's pretty cute. (at least I think)

Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas!


Pretty Ears

This week Cambria had to go get her second set
of immunization shots and I decided that I would
get her ears pierced and just make one big crappy
day out of it. She hardly cried when she got her
shots and I was so proud of her. I was sort of nervous
to take her and get her ears pierced mostly because
I couldn't really remember how it felt to get mine done.
But I figured it couldn't be nearly as bad as getting
shots, it's just a tiny prick, right :) Anyways, she had
no idea what was coming and she cried for about 5 seconds
and then she went back to sleep! I was so proud of her. It's funny though, how people are so opinionated about it. People I don't even know were just like "Oh my gosh! You are such a mean mom!" Sometimes I wonder if people stop and think about what they are saying to people they don't even know. Why would I care what some random person thinks? Obviously I do a little since I'm venting about it, but...I think it's funny. She hasn't even touched them or played with them. I'm starting her early to enjoy sparkly things :)


Family Pictures

And here it is, our family picture (taken a little too close). It's so weird how I have pretty much only 3 or 4 pictures with me in pictures anymore, it's usually just Adam and Cambria. We have pretty much decided that we give up on paying anyone anything to take pictures for us because Cambria won't cooperate and that puts Adam and I in bad moods....which is certainly does not make for a fun time to take pictures. Instead, we just sat there on the sofa and kept pushing the timer button on the camera until we got a decent one. Good times. I would just like to publicly announce that we are sorry that we can't make an apperance at Kate and Justins Bob-B-Que, heavan knows that it won't be nearly as fun for the rest of you who are going :) I am however, quite excited to hear about the bobsledding track and how many people were injured on the course. We will be playing Guitar Hero 3 all day tomorrow to remind us of Justin and Katie!


Happy (Late) Thanksgiving

This year we took a road trip to Blanding (about an hour south of Moab) for Thanksgiving with Adams grandparents and aunts that live down there. He lived there and went to College of Eastern Utah down there for about 2 years. It's pretty much out in the middle of all the major places ie: Lake Powell, Canyonlands, Arches National Park, Natural Bridges and other really pretty places. Blanding itself, however has only 1 stop lightso there isn't a whole lot going on. Nevertheless, it was really nice to get away and relax. Cambria did NOT sleep well, or any I should say, at all. Infact, one night she wiggled out of her diaper, pee-peed all over herself and the blankets, then she managed to scoot all but her head underneath the bed. It was pretty silly to see what she had done to herself in the night.
On Friday morning we went exploring and found some Indian ruins, they were pretty intact and interesting to walk around in.

On our way home on Saturday we stopped in a rock shop to look around at rocks that had been there for a VERY long time and I asked Adam to take a picture of me with Cambers since I have a total of 3 pictures with her since she was born. How cute is her smile?!
Look at what the dogs did to Adams shoes. Pretty funny huh?
Hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for...the lord has truly blessed our family.


Karly's Shower

On Saturday we went to my sweet Aunt Leslies (who always throws such awesome showers) for a bridal shower for my soon to be sister-in-law Karly. Her and Chris met while Chris was training for a job in Southern California. They are getting married at the end of December. It was so fun...to see my cousins who are still up there, spend time with my family, and see my bro and his cute fiance and how happy they are. It's awesome what being in love does to people, you can just see them glow. The two of them seem really perfect for eachother, like they balance each other out. Plus it was fun to spend a little more time with Karly, I've only seen her for a total of hours and it was fun to get to know her better. Also fun to see what a crazy, fun family she is about to become a part of!
Here is my Cambria, who looks very inibriated with her cute cousin Maci who is learning to suck on her thumb, much to the chagrin of her mommy :)
How freaking cute is the smile on Maci!!!! I love it, she smiled maybe once the whole time my sister brought her down last month, but now she is smiling and talking and holding her head up. It was so fun, I love her so much!!
And my sweet Cambria who flails her arms around whenever she gets super excited! It was fun to spend time with my family, since I won't see them until Chris's wedding in Cali. Thanks Adam babe for letting us go up there, we missed you so much and wished that you were able to be there with us!

Happy Birthday!!!!

So, this is super late but I still think my sister would want everyone to know that she is now 25!!! Her birthday was on the 15th. She is amazing, anyone who has even met her would say the same thing. She is strong, fiercely loyal to her friends, family and testimony and is an awesome example. I look up to her in so many ways for the strength that she has always had to press on through hard things and still remain faithful to the things that she believes. Besides being spiritual, she is also incredibly kind, outgoing, funny, witty, intelligent, caring and a really great listener. She is awesome, and I love her so much. I admire her for still being my best friend after years of living with my disorganization:) We love you SISTER!!!

Time with Grandma

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post, but wait...yes I can! It's been crazy busy the past little while and seriously, it's all I can do to get a shower in during the day! But here I am, back and ready to brag about the time we got to spend with my mom the weekend before last. She came down on Friday night and watched Cambria while Adam and I went to Wingers (love their creamy sauce and Adam loves their chicken pot pies) and had a date. On Saturday we went to Snow Canyon State Park and hiked around. It was an absolutely beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and still short weather. It was awesome. We took Cambers out in her baby carrier, expecting that she would cry and protest the entire time but she did awesome. When she was sick of sucking on her bink, she opted to suck on the carrier itself, leaving nearly the entire front drenched with cute baby drool. It was fun to have Adam too, he doesn't usually get to see much of visitors sometimes when they come down cause of the silly work thing. :) Anyways, it was awesome to walk through the canyone, especially since I was the tour guide! Thankfully we made it back safely!
Here is a picture of Grandma and Cambers in the hat that she seriously despises. It is still to big for her so it creeps down over her eyes and she does not approve. We had a lot of fun. Later that night, Adam had to work so me and my mom took the baby to Taipan to see if we could get any ideas for my brothers upcoming wedding reception. Yep, Chris is getting married and we are super excited! It was fun to spend time with my mom and we appreciated her taking time to come visit.



I just wanted to give a Hip Hip Hooray to my awesome mom who just finisher her last math class on Thursday. Not only did she finish and pass but she got a B+!!!! She is awesome, she has worked so hard and overcome so much frustration with math and she did it! We are so proud of her and wanted to brag about our awesome math Gramma and mom:)


Kristin and Maci

Last weekend Kristin and Maci came and stayed with us while Tanner was away on business in New York. It was so fun to see both of them, Maci is so much fun. She by far makes the funnest, cutest noises and faces. They got here Wednesday night just in time for Adam and I to leave and for Kristin to tackle both the girls by herself.

This is a picture of Cambria and Maci on Halloween at the ward trunk or treat. They both fell asleep in the back of the car. So cute

Then on Thursday Kristin and I just hung out for a while, went on a really cool walk on a trail that I'd never been on and then met Adam for lunch at the Olive Garden. It was so funny how many people asked if they were twins. At first we said no, and then by the end of the weekend we were sick of saying they were cousins and just 5 weeks apart that we just started saying Yep, they are twins. I totally love this picture because it looks like shes dancing and it looks like a move that both her mom and her dad taught her.

On Friday Kristin and I went shopping, we just got a Taipan Trading in town and we went to check it out. It was so much fun, I really miss living close to my family and just having someone to do stuff with during the day. Maci wasn't too keen on Cambria invading her space like she was....she was a trooper though.

Here are the beautiful girls just chillin. I think I said earlier that Cambria will pretty much suck on her entire fist until she nearly gags herself and this picture made me laugh because not only will she suck on her own fist, but she is ready to pounce all over Maci's innocent hand. I have a good feeling about these two....good times ahead. Thanks Kristin and Maci for coming down to visit us, it was such an awesome time. And thanks Tanner for being out of town and letting us play:)

Halloween 2007

For some reason I totally love Halloween, I think it's because I love to wear fake eyelashes and Halloween seems like the really only appropriate time for a non-Hollywood person to wear them. Some how I find a way to wear them no matter what my costume is. We had lots of fun this year. This is a picture of us at our ward trunk-or-treat. It was SO funny to be there with all the kids because they had no idea what Adam and I were. They all thought that I was Pocahontas and had never heard of a hippie, which is what I went as. We were at a Halloween party for a friends son and we went dressed up. Most of the kids didn't know what the heck Adam was, until one little boy spoke up and said "Duh, he's Lehi." Yeah, I was laughing hysterically. That night my sister and Maci came down (more about them later) and watched Cambria while Adam and I went to Tuacahn to see Thriller. For those who don't know what Thriller is its a dance production put on by Odyssey Dance Co. for Halloween. It's amazing and we have gone the past 3 years. I am always in awe of dancers. I think I might be a little less clumsy had a stayed in dance class. It was awesome to spend time with Adam.


All About Me

Here is all about me from A to Z (ha ha ha!)
A - attached or single? - attached at the hip to the love of my life
B - best friend? - my hubby Adam, my mom and sisters
C - cake or pie? - usually neither unless it's strawberry pie with graham cracker crust
D - day of choice? - pretty much any day besides Monday or Wednesday...they seem to go by too slow
E - essential item? - sunglasses (even though I ALWAYS misplace them) and make-up (yep, I refuse to go anywhere without it)
F - favorite color? - purple or orange
G - gummie bears or gummie worms? - bears....worms are too slimy
H - hometown? - I say Bountiful but currently live in sunny St. George
I - favorite indulgence? - either getting my hair done or getting a pedicure. Mostly a pedicure because then I don't have to make small talk
J - January or July? - July....that's when Cambria was born and I hate more than anything to be cold
K - kids? - yep, the most beautiful :) Cambria Taelen just turned 3 months
L - life is incomplete without? - my family, the gospel and sadly Diet Dr. Pepper
M - marriage date? - January 3, 2003
N - number of siblings? - I have 2 sisters, 1 brother, 1 brother in law and 1 soon to be sister in law on my side and on my husbands side I have 5 sisters and 6 brothers
O - oranges or apples? - probably oranges because on our first date Adam brought for us to eat the most tastiest oranges I've ever had in my life. they remind me of that day
P - phobias or fears? - afraid of getting cancer. Weird, but I am
Q - quotes? - when I asked my primary class what we should name the baby they voted on "Vam" which is short for vampire....mmmmm :)
R - reason to smile? - seeing Cambria get her huge grin on her face, watching my hubsband get excited and cheap jewelry.
S - season of choice? - fall, the colors are so beautiful!
T - tag three friends (if you read this and your name is here you have to do it!) Katie, Sarah and Liz
U - unknown fact about me? - that I do not own 1 pair of white socks. I only have patterned socks
V - vegetable? - tomatoes and pickles
W - worst habit? - getting in car accidents :)
X - x-rays or ultrasounds? - ultra sounds...they are funner
Y - your favorite food? - pretty much anything from Macaroni Grill and berries...especially raspberries
Z - zodiac sign? - crabby cancer

Probably more than anyone wanted to know, but I'll be checking on Sarah, Katie and Liz to see if they did theirs :)



Sunday through Tuesday we had part of Adams family down for UEA to visit. They were fun to have and so helpful with Cambria. She was smiling and dancing and laughing for them and had such a fun time getting to know her aunt and uncles and grandma. They were sweet to watch her while I ran some errands and got some work done. We carved some pumpkins and when I say we I mean me, Adam and his mom instead of the kids!. But it was fun and always nice to have people come stay.

I am trying to make sure that I put Cambria on her stomach every day so that her little neck and back gets stronger, but she doesn't really like to do it. I put her down and five minutes later she was out. I had to laugh and when I looked a little bit closer there was a huge puddle of drool all on the pillow. I laughed so hard. She has figured out that she has hands and apparently really loves to see how far down her throat she can stick them. She gets pretty far and usually ends up gaggin herself. I laugh at that too!

Our really sweet friend who lives in our condo complex always makes booties for Cambria and she made these. If you can't tell what they are they are freaking cute rollerskate booties. She definately didn't like me shoving her foot in there, but they were so cute.


Very Concerned

This is a classic Cambria face, where she looks so concerned. As if there was anything in her little life that she could possibly be concerned about. I fear that it's a definate sign that she is going to be somewhat dramatic. Nothing like her mom :)
I also love it when we have her use her tiny legs and practice standing. She does super good for a while but then when she's tired of it her legs start to give out and she does this cute little bootie shakin, leg quivering dance. I can't help but laugh right at her because it's so darn cute.

Last night Adam and I attempted to have a date night. We had heard about this place in town called "Extreme Racing" and I guess it's like an indoor car race track. We were excited to go, although I don't know why I thought I would be good at it at all. I'm a horrible driver both in the video game and in real life. Anyway, we drove over to where it was, was being the key word because it closed down. And since the only things to do here in St. George after 6 pm are go to Extreme Racing, Target and Wal-Mart, we bit the bullet and headed to Wal-Mart. I really detest Wal-Mart a lot of the time because the parking lot is always freakin full and then there are only 3 check out lines out of 45 that are open. We walked in to get some groceries and seriuosly it was busier than the day after Christmas. Not even kidding, there were more checkout lines open than I've ever seen and so many people. Not really sure why, but that just made me more annoyed that we were even there. Despite those things, it was really great to spend time with Adam. It's so fun when we are just together. I love him for making such an effort to spend time together, that is so important to me. Even if it is to Wal-Mart!


Fall Football

So last night Adam and I took Cambria to her 1st Dixie State football game. It was probably the windiest (not sure if that's a word) and coldest day we could have gone, but since a friend of ours got us the tickets and we were excited to do something we went anyways. She was bundled up in as many blankets that we could find, but still wasn't a fan of the wind.
Anyways, it was so fun. It's weird because I wasn't really into the highschool scene, but going to football games in highschool and college bring back such fun memories and good times. Don't think that I really watch the game though :) Adam had fun too, he likes doing stuff like that. It reminds me of when he was the mascot at Weber State University and I went to a lot of those games. I'll tell you what, Waldo the Wildcat had some pretty sweet dance moves!


Pain in the neck

How could anything sleep through that? It's so funny what positions she sleeps in. To me that looks painful, to her it is the ultimate sleep position. She definately has her daddy's "super sleeping" abilities which means they could sleep through anything, at anytime and anywhere!
We are at a crossroads here in St George, we really love living here because it is beautiful, and still kind of small (although it is getting signifacantly bigger) and we enjoy being on our own. However, it is getting to be ridiculously expensive. We would love to sell our house now but realize that even if we sold for a profit, we really wouldn't be able to afford much else in town. Sometimes I think having to make grown up choices really isn't fun and is more of a pain in the neck :)



It's funny, no one can really prepare you for mommyhood. It's not that people don't try but it's really just something that can't be prepared for. Or maybe my expectations were unrealistic. These thoughts come as I sit here, supposed to be drafting, but all I can do is smile at Cambria as she sticks her tongue out and smiles and is trying to talk to me. I distinctly remember saying to a friend at work that there was no way I could stay at home all day for 6 weeks and not work. I truly thought that I would be bored out of my mind because really, how hard can it be to take care of a baby who can't do anything? I'm laughing as I think of it because often times all I can accomplish in the course of a day is take a shower and put makeup on!
I am not a horrible person for what I am about to say, I was truly just ignorant. I had no way of knowing. With that said, I remember thinking BEFORE I had her that she would "cramp my style" in so many ways and that I would really love it if I could go back to work full time and have someone else watch her. I couldn't have been more wrong. True, she does cramp my Target shopping time and me and Adams quietly watching a movie while cuddling time, but it couldn't be more rewarding and wonderful! I really never thought that I would enjoy being home with her, but it is wonderful.
Yep, gotta go Cambria is drowning in the profuse amont of bubbles she is making!



So, this past week was pretty crazy, in a fun way. Last Thursday we spent the day in Manti where Adams younger brother Derek married Annya Evans. I love the Manti temple, it is so amazing. It's one of the temples that is so old but preserved so well, the craftmanship of everything is beautiful. They are a pretty cute couple. The picture is of them, the next night at their reception in Layton. Yeah, they are crazy which is why they are definately Rigbys! But, it was sure fun to show off Cambria to people who hadn't met her yet. She is so good to let people hold her. She doesn't sleep much and by the time it's just me and her and I can't hold her all the time she gets pretty fussy. Its worth it though. Anyways, the reception was fun. I know Adam had fun decorating their car and recruiting any and everyone to help him! The next day we spent at my moms house watching Conference and spending time with family. It was fun, we haven't had all us kids together like we did on Sunday for a long time. We spent a few days with Karly, she is so perfect for Chris. I've never see him act like he does with her and that's awesome. On Sunday we blessed the girls and that was awesome. I kept asking Adam for weeks before the blessing if he was nervous as to what he would say and he said no. He and Tanner both did a beautiful job and when he sat down he said he was so nervous that his leg was shaking! He's funny. He actually drove home to St. George later than night, and I stayed with Cambria until Wednesday. On Tuesday we went and hung out with my cousins Lauren and Erin and Erins two cute girls Emma and Mary outside of the Jordan River temple where we waited to see my other cousin Jordan who was serving her mission in the South Salt Lake misison. It was fun to see them, I miss all the fun family get togethers we had. Anyways, it was fun! Now I just need to get Cambria back on a schedule so I can get some semi-consistency in my day!



I know, many people will think this
is a crazy picture but Mr. Snake (a ball
python) is part of our family too. And
my sweet husband loves animals.

Cambria meets Carm A. Chameleon




I've decided to finally start a blog, thanks to the reassurance from Lauren and Sarah that it wasn't hard. So, life is good. Cambria is wonderful, it's hard to imagine what life was like without her. We went to the doctor today for her 2 month checkup and shots. I thought that she would be cranky and that we both would be bawling, but she did awesome. She only cried for a minute, and I think it was mostly because she was cold! She now weighs 10.5 pounds and is 23.5 inches long. We just got back from Bountiful, where we blessed her with Maci. It was so cool to be able to do a double blessing with my sister, couldn't have asked for a better day. Everything went well, it's always fun to show her off to friends and family.