About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Pain in the neck

How could anything sleep through that? It's so funny what positions she sleeps in. To me that looks painful, to her it is the ultimate sleep position. She definately has her daddy's "super sleeping" abilities which means they could sleep through anything, at anytime and anywhere!
We are at a crossroads here in St George, we really love living here because it is beautiful, and still kind of small (although it is getting signifacantly bigger) and we enjoy being on our own. However, it is getting to be ridiculously expensive. We would love to sell our house now but realize that even if we sold for a profit, we really wouldn't be able to afford much else in town. Sometimes I think having to make grown up choices really isn't fun and is more of a pain in the neck :)


Lauren Maley said...

I dont want to make grownup decisions either!!!! lets just be kids again =) i think you should move UP HERE!

Sarah said...

I HATE grown-up decisions. Seriously. Cambria looks so cute in that picture! I'll get working on your page as soon as I can! Love you!


From what I can tell, all signs point to "move to Farmington utah!"
No, I totally know what you mean. I vote we go back to decisions like.... should we watch the box or breaker high, should we have cake and pudding or indoor s'mores? Those were the days. I love you so much, Adam and Cambria too. She and Maci have rubber necks, I am convinced.

Alder Family said...

Jon and I were just talking about hating grown up decisions. I totally feel ya. I think you should move to Columbia, Maryland--it for sure is cheaper than St. George. :)