So, this past week was pretty crazy, in a fun way. Last Thursday we spent the day in Manti where Adams younger brother Derek married Annya Evans. I love the Manti temple, it is so amazing. It's one of the temples that is so old but preserved so well, the craftmanship of everything is beautiful. They are a pretty cute couple. The picture is of them, the next night at their reception in Layton. Yeah, they are crazy which is why they are definately Rigbys! But, it was sure fun to show off Cambria to people who hadn't met her yet. She is so good to let people hold her. She doesn't sleep much and by the time it's just me and her and I can't hold her all the time she gets pretty fussy. Its worth it though. Anyways, the reception was fun. I know Adam had fun decorating their car and recruiting any and everyone to help him! The next day we spent at my moms house watching Conference and spending time with family. It was fun, we haven't had all us kids together like we did on Sunday for a long time. We spent a few days with Karly, she is so perfect for Chris. I've never see him act like he does with her and that's awesome. On Sunday we blessed the girls and that was awesome. I kept asking Adam for weeks before the blessing if he was nervous as to what he would say and he said no. He and Tanner both did a beautiful job and when he sat down he said he was so nervous that his leg was shaking! He's funny. He actually drove home to St. George later than night, and I stayed with Cambria until Wednesday. On Tuesday we went and hung out with my cousins Lauren and Erin and Erins two cute girls Emma and Mary outside of the Jordan River temple where we waited to see my other cousin Jordan who was serving her mission in the South Salt Lake misison. It was fun to see them, I miss all the fun family get togethers we had. Anyways, it was fun! Now I just need to get Cambria back on a schedule so I can get some semi-consistency in my day!
It was so fun to see you Cara!!!! I can't wait to see you again. Thanks for staying up here to see my family, I know it meant a lot to them!
hurray for you having a blog!!! it was so fantastic to see you and your amazingly darling daughter. i wish you guys weren't so far away!
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