About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Very Concerned

This is a classic Cambria face, where she looks so concerned. As if there was anything in her little life that she could possibly be concerned about. I fear that it's a definate sign that she is going to be somewhat dramatic. Nothing like her mom :)
I also love it when we have her use her tiny legs and practice standing. She does super good for a while but then when she's tired of it her legs start to give out and she does this cute little bootie shakin, leg quivering dance. I can't help but laugh right at her because it's so darn cute.

Last night Adam and I attempted to have a date night. We had heard about this place in town called "Extreme Racing" and I guess it's like an indoor car race track. We were excited to go, although I don't know why I thought I would be good at it at all. I'm a horrible driver both in the video game and in real life. Anyway, we drove over to where it was, was being the key word because it closed down. And since the only things to do here in St. George after 6 pm are go to Extreme Racing, Target and Wal-Mart, we bit the bullet and headed to Wal-Mart. I really detest Wal-Mart a lot of the time because the parking lot is always freakin full and then there are only 3 check out lines out of 45 that are open. We walked in to get some groceries and seriuosly it was busier than the day after Christmas. Not even kidding, there were more checkout lines open than I've ever seen and so many people. Not really sure why, but that just made me more annoyed that we were even there. Despite those things, it was really great to spend time with Adam. It's so fun when we are just together. I love him for making such an effort to spend time together, that is so important to me. Even if it is to Wal-Mart!



Of course she is concerned! When will she get her next meal? will you hear her when she yelps? Will she drown in her 2 inch bath? or the puddle in her diapy? Will someone make fun of her toots? will mommy trip while holding her? will Aunt Kristin and Maci ever get there to visit? will her brain buster actually bust her brain?
These are all ligitimate concerns in Cambri's mind...which definately explain the worried look on her precious little face. She is a doll!
P.S. I hate Wal-mart too.

Sarah said...

Oh what a precious little face! I just want to squeeze her! Hope you guys are well!!

Alder Family said...

I love the concerned face! Alex had that until she was like 4 months old! We worried she was going to be totally uptight like her parents, but she seems to have grown out of it a bit! Cambria is such a stinkin' cutie! I love her little caps; they're wonderful!