About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)



Sunday through Tuesday we had part of Adams family down for UEA to visit. They were fun to have and so helpful with Cambria. She was smiling and dancing and laughing for them and had such a fun time getting to know her aunt and uncles and grandma. They were sweet to watch her while I ran some errands and got some work done. We carved some pumpkins and when I say we I mean me, Adam and his mom instead of the kids!. But it was fun and always nice to have people come stay.

I am trying to make sure that I put Cambria on her stomach every day so that her little neck and back gets stronger, but she doesn't really like to do it. I put her down and five minutes later she was out. I had to laugh and when I looked a little bit closer there was a huge puddle of drool all on the pillow. I laughed so hard. She has figured out that she has hands and apparently really loves to see how far down her throat she can stick them. She gets pretty far and usually ends up gaggin herself. I laugh at that too!

Our really sweet friend who lives in our condo complex always makes booties for Cambria and she made these. If you can't tell what they are they are freaking cute rollerskate booties. She definately didn't like me shoving her foot in there, but they were so cute.


Lauren Maley said...

those footies rock!! i am so jealous that kristin gets to come play, I want to come!! happy halloween! i love you guys!