i am: in love with my daughter
i think: about adam when we aren't together
i am happy: that we have jobs and a house
i have: a lot of ideas that will probably never come to pass
i miss: my dad
i fear: eating chicken that I didn't prepare
i feel: blessed to have all that I do
i smell: really good. Someone gave me some new lotion and I love it!
i usually: don't accomplish all that I plan to in the day
i search: everyday for my keys and phone
i wonder: why people think it's okay to lie
i regret: thinking that things I did only hurt me
i love: hanging out with my family
i care: about being a good and Christ-like person
i tell: funny jokes and then I laugh at them
i worry: about things I can't control
i am not: organized, in the least!
i remember: every word to a lot of TV show theme songs
i believe: that my Savior loves, knows and cares about me
i sing: in the car with the music at full blast when I'm alone
i don’t always: try and be nice to some people
i don’t like: when people don't really listen to me or take advantage of me
i write: a lot of lists and then lose them
i win: hardly any game that Adam and I play together
i lose: at any game that requires a strategy
i dance: incredibly! I have a lot of moves that the world isn't ready for!
i wish: I could take my mom and sisters to Scotland
i never: get tired of watching my Friends DVD's
i listen: to Cambria "talk" and love it
i don't understand: how come I can't make a decent batch of chocolate chip cookies!
i can usually be found: at Target. I put it as my emergency contact :)
i am scared: of car crashes
i need: to pay my credit card off
i forget: to lock my car door all the time
I tag anyone who reads this and their age is an even number :)
i am
Posted by Cara Rigby at 4:03 PM 4 comments
Christmas pics
Since I've been super cheap and busy this year, I'm still debating about Christmas cards. So if I don't get them out I'll just share the pictures I took of Cambria in the cute dress I found for her for Christmas. Don't mind that she has no tights on, I looked no joke for an hour for them and refused to buy some, so she just didn't wear any :) Anyways, just a few random pics....

Posted by Cara Rigby at 11:12 PM 12 comments
Family, Friends, and Food
This year for Thanksgiving (I know...I'm super late) we got to have most of my family come down and hang out for a few days. My mom and Hannah came down late Wednesday night and on Thursday we prepared a FEAST. It was so so good....kudos to Han on her amazing sweet potatoes and to my mom for the yummy deserts. Actually my mom pretty much helped me do everything...it wouldn't have been half as good if she wasn't there to help me. It was so much fun to spend time with them. Later that night Tan, Kristin and Maci came down and spent the rest of the weekend with us. I'm bummed that we didn't even get a pic of my mom before she left, but she was there :)

Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:34 PM 3 comments
Picture Tag
I've been tagged by Erin, here's the tag:
My Pictures Folder
4th Folder
4th Picture
Alright.....awesome. This is me about 4 years ago dressed up as a Purple Princess. What can I say? I like Halloween. I don't like putting this picture up though. I'm tagging Caitlin and Kristin.
Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:30 PM 7 comments
Happy 26th!

This is what I mean when I say we've been through thick and thin together. She'll probably kill me for putting this up, but let's be honest....niether one of us were having an A game that day :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:06 PM 3 comments
Pre-Halloween Fun

Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:01 PM 12 comments
Typical Days with Camby & Maci
Enthusiastically go for morning walk
Eat morning snack all in one bite
Make fun of eachother for eating morning snack in one bite
Get to work fitting random things into a video cassette
Put anything on head, especially things mom says I shouldn't.
There really couldn't be a more entertaining way to spend your day :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 3:41 PM 8 comments
Official Marathoner!
Kristin ran her 1st marathon on the 20th and she did so awesome. I couldn't have been more proud of her....to watch her struggle with so many things and be able to do this is truly an amazing feat. She finished in 3 hrs. 53 min....which by the way is almost 8 minute miles for 26.2 miles. These are just a few of the pics I got of her...most of which are already on her blog.
This is Mace cheering on mom :) She was pretty pooped from getting in and out of the car to cheer for Kristin.
I am so proud of you Sister! I must hestitantly admit that you have planted an itch in me to run a marathon....you are a tricky one. Check out this to read about all the reasons that she ran....if you don't cry, you may be heartless ;)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 12:14 PM 1 comments
About Me
While I am waiting to get pictures of my family reunion posted, I'll copy Kristin's latest entry and enlighten anyone about me & my life.
4 Random Things I Like About My Spouse
1-He thinks that he was never weird before he met me.
2- He is so stinkin cute. I love to watch him walk up to the front door & be so excited to see Cambria
3-He is so patient with me & so helpful. He always helps me with dinner, with Cambria, with YW, and pretty much anything else.
4- He makes me want to be better in so many ways & he has introduced me to so many things I never thought I would enjoy (skydiving, animals, hiking in freezing cold water, etc..)
4 Movies I'd Watch More Than Once
1- Pride & Prejudice
2- The Italian Job
3- The Notebook
4- The Rundown
4 T.V. Shows I Watch
1- Wipeout
2- America's Next Top Model
3- The Office
4-Project Runway
4 Favorite Foods
1-Soup & Salad @ Olive Garden
2- BBQ Chicken Sammies
3- Cafe Rio
4- My Aunt Jeri's Sweet Potato casserole
4 Places I've Been
1- Costa Rica
3-Washington D.C.
4- Chicago
4 Things I'm Looking Forward to in the Coming Year
1- My tax refund
2- Visiting my brother-in-law & his fam in Oregon
3- My mom getting her degree
4- Hannah graduating High School & starting college
4 Places I would Like to Visit
1- Greece
2- London
3- NYC
4- Barbados
Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:45 PM 11 comments
Friends, Fun & Faces
Alright....this one isn't Cambria but she is still picture & blog worthy. This is Shaelee, my sweet friends daughter that I watch twice a week while she teaches school. She is 6 months and pretty much has both Cambria and I wrapped around her finger. She is already crawling & getting so close to pulling herself up onto furniture. Needless to say, Tuesdays and Thursdays are quite the workout for me :) Lacy, her mom, watched Cambria last night while Adam and I went on a long overdue & much needed date night. She was a trooper and Adam and I had so much fun. FYI...Nielsens Frozen Custard pretty much has the SLOWEST service anywhere. This picture is of my Camby with her robotic paper towel arm that she unabashedly loves. She just sticks it on her arm, swings it up & down, then cries when she can't get it off. I love it and think it is hilarious!
And this is our new favorite Cambria toy, her little bike seat. It's so fun, she loves it and smiles that big the whole time. As fun as it is, I can tell you it was NOT that fun to put it together. Infact, there were various questionable words used during the bike seat putting together process. Guess it was worth it though.
This is her "I'm eating dinner my way, not your way mom" face. Enough said.
Cambria is really enjoying bath time, despite what you might think from this picture. She just isn't quite sure about the whole bubble thing. Before she didn't really pay attention to them, they were just there when she splashed around. Now, they inhibit her splashing ability and scare her a bit. I'm sure I help her not be scared of them by covering her body completely in them, right?
Posted by Cara Rigby at 11:29 AM 9 comments
Happy 23!
Happy Birthday to my bro Chris! You are awesome Chris and we are so proud of you. Hope that you had a great day!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 2:11 PM 1 comments

Technically she isn't pointing to her eye or her nose, but seriously who cares? She so stinkin cute, she can point to whatever she wants and I'll clap for her!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:49 PM 3 comments
One Year Old!!!
I know...what a terrible mommy! Cambrias birthday was on Wednesday and I'm just finally writing about it. Our internet hasn't really been working well the past few days...does that count?!
I am in love with my sweet Cambria and before I get to the pictures I just wanted to say some of the things that I have loved about being her mom:
*the way she pats my shoulder when I pick her up
*how pretty much anyone can be "dada"
*her adventerous side
*her once gummy and now toothy smile
*how she uses her feet to read books and grab things
*she makes my life so much sweeter
So...I had been at Girls Camp since Monday and drove home to be there on her b-day, despite various people telling me that it wasn't a big deal and that she wouldn't care whether or not I was there. I got home and my mother-in-law helped me make the cupacakes. Just a note, I saw on the Martha Stewart website these super cute lady bug cupcakes. 2 mistakes, right off the bat. 1) should never EVER have tried to make anything that Martha Stewart makes and 2) should never think that what I did try to make from her website would be anything close to "super cuteness" Anyways, that is what these cupcakes are supposed to be, lady bugs. Maybe if we weren't outside, or if the frosting wasn't melty it would be different, but a thanks to Kathy for doing it even when she probably thought it was silly.

Daddy and the birthday girl. Too bad you can't see closer becuase his shirt was covered in bright pink Happy Birthday Cambria frosting. Aren't they a cute pair?
Halle, Cambria and Olivia just hanging out. Doesn't Olivia look like she could be the poster baby for Hawaiian tropic sunscreen?
Cambria (and mostly mom) opening up her presents from Grandma & Indee. Thank you so much to everyone that came to her party and gave her gifts, that was so kind of you, especially on such a stinkin hot day. We had lots of fun! We missed Grandma Cathy, Aunt Han, Aunt Kristin & Maci though, they weren't able to come down because my mom thought it would be really cool to pull her siatic nerve :) We can't wait to celebrate with you guys soon enough!
This day wouldn't really be complete though without Adam and Cara causing a little drama. Since Adam and I hadn't seen eachother since Sunday, he took me out on his motorcycle to get some dinner. We went to Quiznos, and they were closed, so we headed out to go to Wingers. We are stopped, the first car at the light, on the corner of St. George Blvd and River Road when the light turns green and the car behind us guns it. Wouldn't be such a big deal, except we hadn't gone yet and she rammed right into the back of Adams brand new baby. I jumped off and he stayed on to protect his bike. No one was hurt, despite the paramedics and 2 police cars that showed up. I'm pretty sure some people were upset that it wasn't a bigger deal than it looked like. His fender was cracked and the tail light broken and the kill switch was triggered which meant we had to have it towed. It was insane. However, we are fine and it could have been a lot worse! I guess the poor girl who wasn't paying attention should be VERY grateful that my father-in-law wasn't around, he had quite a mouthful to say about her and her driving :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:00 PM 14 comments