About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


About Me

While I am waiting to get pictures of my family reunion posted, I'll copy Kristin's latest entry and enlighten anyone about me & my life.

4 Random Things I Like About My Spouse
1-He thinks that he was never weird before he met me.
2- He is so stinkin cute. I love to watch him walk up to the front door & be so excited to see Cambria
3-He is so patient with me & so helpful. He always helps me with dinner, with Cambria, with YW, and pretty much anything else.
4- He makes me want to be better in so many ways & he has introduced me to so many things I never thought I would enjoy (skydiving, animals, hiking in freezing cold water, etc..)

4 Movies I'd Watch More Than Once
1- Pride & Prejudice
2- The Italian Job
3- The Notebook
4- The Rundown

4 T.V. Shows I Watch
1- Wipeout
2- America's Next Top Model
3- The Office
4-Project Runway

4 Favorite Foods
1-Soup & Salad @ Olive Garden
2- BBQ Chicken Sammies
3- Cafe Rio
4- My Aunt Jeri's Sweet Potato casserole

4 Places I've Been
1- Costa Rica
3-Washington D.C.
4- Chicago

4 Things I'm Looking Forward to in the Coming Year
1- My tax refund
2- Visiting my brother-in-law & his fam in Oregon
3- My mom getting her degree
4- Hannah graduating High School & starting college

4 Places I would Like to Visit
1- Greece
2- London
3- NYC
4- Barbados


Cheryl said...

4 places I've been...number 2??? Are you making places up? He he. I am going to look it up on the map as we speak ;)

erin sheely said...

I like knowing more about you!

Kisten Downey said...

hey there its Kisten Adam game me your blog... im adding you so hope thats ok... talk to you soon

Danae said...

You are so cute! It's fun to read things about your life.. and hello! I remember when Hannah was born! That's out of control that she is going to be going to college soon! :)


Atom is so funny! He is the weirdest dude around! j/k
I forgot about BBQ chicken sammies! Those are #5... and I hate listing movies...I can never think Of my real fav's when I need to. Can't wait to see you!

Kirsten said...

I'm so jealous you've been to Havasupai Falls. Now it's all destroyed by a flash flood and who knows when it will actually look pretty again. You're hubby sounds a lot like mine. He's a keeper. :)

Cheryl said...

The 30th sounds great. Yes, I do get off work at 1:30p. I don't know if I have your current email and where you want to go to eat. I pretty much adore all food and I am always hungry :) Email me and let me know what you are thinking!! cblarsen10@yahoo.com

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Ooooo, Greece! Lets go shall we?

Marci said...

I can't wait until you come out here. It's going to be fun that we get to take care of you guys for once after you've been so sweet to us on all our trips to St. George.

Sarah said...

I love reading about you! I hope you are having so much fun on your trip!

becky rigby said...

I love your new background. So pretty :)