About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Picture Tag

I've been tagged by Erin, here's the tag:

My Pictures Folder

4th Folder

4th Picture

Alright.....awesome. This is me about 4 years ago dressed up as a Purple Princess. What can I say? I like Halloween. I don't like putting this picture up though. I'm tagging Caitlin and Kristin.


Anonymous said...

You are looking beautiful Cara as always!

Kirsten said...

AWESOME! Your pose cracks me up. :)

Mishlers said...

You are a beautiful purple princess! Hey will you send me your phone number? We are going to be stopping in St. George this next week, and I'd love to give you a call. My email is hmshappy@aol.com. Oh, are you going to be up north for Thanksgiving? Maybe we could hang out at Kristins.

Erin said...

this is freaking hilarious!! I love you for humoring me. I miss you. Are you coming up north for Christmas? I am planning on being there from December 23-Jan 4. I would love to see you.

Liz said...

AWESOME! Who says moms are boring??

Sarah said...

That is hilarious and lovely all at the same time!

Melanie said...

Cara I found your blog through Marci's. I love the picture. I had no idea any of you had blogs.