This year for Thanksgiving (I know...I'm super late) we got to have most of my family come down and hang out for a few days. My mom and Hannah came down late Wednesday night and on Thursday we prepared a FEAST. It was so so good....kudos to Han on her amazing sweet potatoes and to my mom for the yummy deserts. Actually my mom pretty much helped me do wouldn't have been half as good if she wasn't there to help me. It was so much fun to spend time with them. Later that night Tan, Kristin and Maci came down and spent the rest of the weekend with us. I'm bummed that we didn't even get a pic of my mom before she left, but she was there :)

Han and Kristin at the Pizza Factory where we ate on Saturday night. Our waiter was awesome...he tackled Cambria and Maci messes and tantrums like a pro. Honestly, how beautiful are my sisters? Jealous much.

Me, Cambs, Maci and Tan at the Pizza Factory. This is taken just seconds before I put Cambria down and she thought she could walk by herself down the stairs. She can't. Not even a little bit :)

On Sunday we tried to take some pics on the leaves, but only a few turned out. Love this one.

Hannah, you are such a babe!

Cambria pretty much thinks that anything she can straddle is a motorcycle, so here she is riding her motorcycle, Aunt Kristin. She had so much fun with Grandma, and her aunts, uncle and cousin. She did have a definite preference for Kristin though. She would not let Hannah anywhere near was funny/weird!

Hannah killed everyone on Guitar Hero

Rubbing the Buddha belly

I'm almost embarrassed to put this up because it is so weird. I'm not sure where her sudden fascination with her belly button came from but Kristin said she poked at her belly button til it was red! I think I'm in for it with a daughter who doesn't think twice about pulling her shirt up around her neck in public!

Queen Maci on her throne. Once that sweet girl found this chair she would not get out of it. I kid you not when I say she literally sat in this chair ALL weekend and loved it. Hint Hint Santa ;)

Adam, Tan and Han took the girls to see the ducks. I won't go because the geese that are there freak me out and try and bite me. Adam was pretty proud of himself for catching this duck....way to go love!

Maci and Cambria clearly loving the duck feeding excursion

How I love my little Maci. She is just the cutest little shrimp there ever was and I treasure the time I get to spend with her. I love how cuddly she is, Cambria isn't. How cute is this, her just chillin on Tan?!

Cambs found my shoes in my closet and was walking around in them. I love that big grin and the large drool spots all over her shirt. She is majorly teething and just won't quit the drool! Thanks for coming down and spending time with us family, we sure love you and don't know what we would do without you. We missed you Chris and Karly!
What a fun Thanksgiving! We missed you guys too!
Wow....some of those pictures should not be allowed for viewing. We had a blast! Nothing beats a trip to St. G! or sweet potatoes.
What a fun Thanksgiving! I'm so impressed that you had it at your house! Is there anything you can't do?!?! You and your sisters are just beautiful! I can't believe how big Cambria is. She is so cute!!! I can't wait to see you guys! LOVE YOU! t t ttt - Those are from Trey... t for Trey. He says HI! Caden's at Piano and Michael's sleeping :)
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