I know...what a terrible mommy! Cambrias birthday was on Wednesday and I'm just finally writing about it. Our internet hasn't really been working well the past few days...does that count?!
I am in love with my sweet Cambria and before I get to the pictures I just wanted to say some of the things that I have loved about being her mom:
*the way she pats my shoulder when I pick her up
*how pretty much anyone can be "dada"
*her adventerous side
*her once gummy and now toothy smile
*how she uses her feet to read books and grab things
*she makes my life so much sweeter
So...I had been at Girls Camp since Monday and drove home to be there on her b-day, despite various people telling me that it wasn't a big deal and that she wouldn't care whether or not I was there. I got home and my mother-in-law helped me make the cupacakes. Just a note, I saw on the Martha Stewart website these super cute lady bug cupcakes. 2 mistakes, right off the bat. 1) should never EVER have tried to make anything that Martha Stewart makes and 2) should never think that what I did try to make from her website would be anything close to "super cuteness" Anyways, that is what these cupcakes are supposed to be, lady bugs. Maybe if we weren't outside, or if the frosting wasn't melty it would be different, but a thanks to Kathy for doing it even when she probably thought it was silly.

Daddy and the birthday girl. Too bad you can't see closer becuase his shirt was covered in bright pink Happy Birthday Cambria frosting. Aren't they a cute pair?
Halle, Cambria and Olivia just hanging out. Doesn't Olivia look like she could be the poster baby for Hawaiian tropic sunscreen?
Cambria (and mostly mom) opening up her presents from Grandma & Indee. Thank you so much to everyone that came to her party and gave her gifts, that was so kind of you, especially on such a stinkin hot day. We had lots of fun! We missed Grandma Cathy, Aunt Han, Aunt Kristin & Maci though, they weren't able to come down because my mom thought it would be really cool to pull her siatic nerve :) We can't wait to celebrate with you guys soon enough!
This day wouldn't really be complete though without Adam and Cara causing a little drama. Since Adam and I hadn't seen eachother since Sunday, he took me out on his motorcycle to get some dinner. We went to Quiznos, and they were closed, so we headed out to go to Wingers. We are stopped, the first car at the light, on the corner of St. George Blvd and River Road when the light turns green and the car behind us guns it. Wouldn't be such a big deal, except we hadn't gone yet and she rammed right into the back of Adams brand new baby. I jumped off and he stayed on to protect his bike. No one was hurt, despite the paramedics and 2 police cars that showed up. I'm pretty sure some people were upset that it wasn't a bigger deal than it looked like. His fender was cracked and the tail light broken and the kill switch was triggered which meant we had to have it towed. It was insane. However, we are fine and it could have been a lot worse! I guess the poor girl who wasn't paying attention should be VERY grateful that my father-in-law wasn't around, he had quite a mouthful to say about her and her driving :)
I am the WORST Aunt ever! I missed her Birth and her first Birthday :( I am so sorry I missed the fun! What a precious little cake eater!
I bet Mike would have said she was a knucklehead, and 'ole homeboy in the front seat should have been paying better attention too. :)
I can't believe your little girl is already ONE! She's such a doll. And you should get an E for Effort for trying Martha Stewart ANYTHING! You're a braver woman than I! :) I'm so glad you weren't hurt in that accident! Motorcycle accidents are scary. Too bad its the OTHER drivers you have to worry about.
Happy (really late) birthday Cambria!! We need to see you guys!!
I'm so glad that you weren't hurt in the accident. Motorcycles scare the bejeebies out of me.
I pretty much think those pictures are FANTASTIC!
She is so cute!! I can't believe it has already been a year. I just barely started a blog of my own. Check it out. http://erintbox.blogspot.com. I need to call you. It has been so long since I have talked to you! Love you tons and miss you tons!!!
Cara she is so cute - I don't even know her and I would like to kiss her little cheeks! I actually think you look like a pretty great Mom.
Happy Birthday Cambria! Isn't it crazy how quickly they grow?
Oh my LANDS she is soooo cute. I love first birthdays!! Your girl could not be more darling.
Cambria is so cute!! you guys are such great parents! her bday party was fun and good thing you left camp for it because it IS important to be there for your little ones! Cambria is lucky to have such a good mom and such FUN parents!
I saw your comment on Shanna's blog and looked you and your cute little family up. Your daughter is SO adorable, I loved looking at the pictures. So...I haven't seen you in years. I think last time was you were just about to get married. I'd love to hear your update. What's your hubby up to? Last time we talked I think you were talking about dental school. Speaking of which, Jared is in his final year of dental school here in Boston and we have a little (almost) 3 year old and a 6 month old. I love trying my best to keep up with both of them. I hope I hear from you soon...
Brittany (we're at thebunkerhome@blogspot.com)
(Oh yeah, love your background, we must think alike...)
I love the pics of her with the cake. What a nice mom you are! All E got was a cupcake. HA!
Cute cute pictures!!! And YES I want to hang out when you come up north :) I know you will probably be busy so let me know what day or night works for you!! It's been way too long! (I work until 2p every day)
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