Finally...they have come! The shoes that I have needed for SO long are finally here. A big thanks to my stimulus check I now have shoes that are meant for running, actually fit and don't look like a dog has been chewing on them for 2 straight weeks. Aren't they cute!As soon as I took these out of the box and put them on my feet, the first thing that came to my mind was "The Sandlot." I don't even remember what is said, but something to the effect that the shoes were guranteed to make him run faster and jump higher. I had that feeling that I could just run forever. And as I walked in the front door with my newer younger shoes, I passed my old dingy shoes and felt like a tug on my heart. I couldn't help but reminisce about some of the good times we had shared:
Hiking the Subway in Zions National Park and getting stranded overnight
Running in 2 years of the Wasatch Back Relay
Moving into 2 different houses
All the walks that we shared with Cambria
Hiking Angels Landing
Going to Havasupai
Going to Costa Rica
It's sort of weird that I attach so much sentiment to them, I didn't really treat them that well when I used them!
These cute bootie-sneakers below are from my friend who made (crocheted) them for Cambria. Cambria refuses to keep shoes on, but these are awesome because I can tie them tight and she can't yet figure out how to get them off! I had to brag about how cute they are!
And this last picture is for my friend Haylee, who I'm not even sure if she reads this or not! But she made those wood letters for Cambria. She cut them out and I love them! She did a great job, Thanks Hays.

Yay!! I can't wait to see you jump higher and run from the slobbery doggie...It makes such a difference huh!! We will have so much fun....WBR 2008 or DIE!
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