About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Mother's Day 2008

I know....I'm late. Mother's Day has come and gone but I feel like I've got to share my feelings on motherhood.

First of all, my mom. She is amazing, and even that doesn't describe the kind of person that she is. She is incredibly kind and thoughtful, one of the most outgoing person I know and totally true to who she is. She refuses to stand by and watch when people are hurting or in need. She is one of the most honest, truthful, spiritual and faithful women I know. These past few years have been exceptionally difficult for our family since my parents divorce and my mom has been anchored in the gospel and the Lord. She is an example to me in so many ways and I regret all of the times that I ever took her for granted or treated her in an undeserved way. I am honored to have her and grateful for the things that she has taught me and they way she raised me. My sweet daughter is incredibly lucky to have such a FUN grandma.

Secondly, my mother in law. She also is amazing. She raised a son that I love more than anything and for that I am grateful. She is so charitable and is the first person to show up on your doorstep with homeade dinner and goodies. She is so generous also....she is always trying to do things for us and her other kids. I'm so glad to be a part of their family and to have a great mother in law.

And I.....am overwhelmed with the feelings of motherhood. Everyday when I look at Cambria I think about how long we waited for her to come to our family. How many negative pregnancy tests I had, doctors visits, medications I took and tearful nights I spent just wondering if we would ever have her. I realize that there are alot of people who have felt the same feelings, been in similar situations and then haven't been able to have their own children. And how difficult it was to hear time and time again..."It'll happen when it happens." I guess what I feel is this beautiful capacity to love something more than I ever imagined....and what an awesome responsibility it entails. I love my sweet daughter so much for all the additional joy that she has brought into our lives.