After we packed up all our stuff in Monte Verde we decided to head back down the crazy road and go to Arenal, where we had heard there was an active volcano and hot springs right on the mountain. Well, I guess those were true....just not how we expected :) This is the view of the volcano from our hotel room...not to shabby!

Since the tour of the volcano was going to cost us an arm and a leg, we asked the receptionist if there was anything in town that we could do for cheap and she told us that about 15 minutes away there was a really cool waterfall that was free. We were so excited! We stopped at the grocery store and bought some questionable lunch meat and extremely dry bread, made some quick "sandwiches" and started down the road. We got there and saw that it was $7 a person. That receptionist's family must own the land the waterfall was on....definately not free. Don't think that Adam didn't put up a fight about it though.....alright, so did I. However, we were not dissappointed when we saw it. It was amazing. Adam and I have this thing for waterfalls...we love them. It's where we went on our first date and where Adam proposed. This one was so beautiful. The water was cold, but it was nearly 90 degrees with about 46 percent we weren't really complaining!

It's a ridiculously steep climb down and I'm not even gonna talk about the hike back out!

After we got back from the volcano, we got ready for the guided tour of Mt. Arenal. We were stoked to see lava and get up close to it. As soon as you pay your money and start on the tour, the guide quickly informed us that although this volcano is active, it doesn't produce flowing lava like some volcanos in Hawaii, it just spews out rocks and steam. We were pretty sure it was going to be lame, but it actually ended up being really cool. We walked through the area where the volcano had erupted and killed hundreds of people, and then it turned into dense forest and then it turned into volcanic rock. It was really pretty, we even got to see a Toucan. You could feel the eruptions and see the rocks come out. When it got dark you could see the red lava on the rocks...all in all it was very cool. However, there are not hot springs even in the vicinity of the volcano! There are some hot springs in a neighboring community, but nothing like what we thought. We were expecting to sit in hot springs that overlooked a gurgling bowl of lava. We are dramatic :)

We were starving that night so we ate LOTS at the resturaunt in the hotel....Lindi ordered a pizza and a huge bowl of Chicken Fettucinni. There was not one crumb left on anyones plate! I think that the waiters were a bit surprised at how much we ate :)
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