It has been nearly a month since my sweet Cambria was feeling well enough to smile like this, she has been on 3 antibiotics in 4 weeks for ear infections. Poor girl, both Adam and I had crappy ears when we were young so she is just bound to have more problems :) Finally though, she has started sleeping better, eating like normal and being her smiley, silly self again. It's torture to listen to her scream and cry and just be unconsolable. Anyways, glad that is over. In other Cambi news, she started "waving" good-bye the other day and it is so freakin cute. I'm so in love with her. Look at that bath tub position.....bet not many people can do that! There isn't much else going on....I'm super boring right now. But the pics of Cambria are pretty cute, so enjoy!
she loves the top of that
Tylenol bottle, she will
just gnaw on it like crazy!
YAY! A new post... I've been getting a little impatient ;)
Cambria is just so adorable! I love that big grin and the bath tub pics are priceless! This age is hard when babies aren't feeling well and you can't do anything for them. Glad it's over... for now. ;)
Glad she's feeling better, I'm glad for both of you! I love the pic of her relaxin in the tub, how cute is that?!
YAY!!! My princess is back!! I have missed that smile so! I am in love with her too!
LOVE the bath pics! What a doll! There just about nothing better in this world than the feel of a chubby wet baby in your hands!
She is a beautiful baby! I love love love the bathtub pictures, what a sweetie!
Sick babies are no fun. I am glad she is feeling better. How fun is it to be a mom...isn't it the best? I am so glad BHS did their blog so I could see how you were doing :) P.S. We have the same shower curtain..hehe
Oh I am so sorry about the ear infections. That is miserable. Alex has been sick as well and it just kind of makes life...um, miserable. :) She is so beautiful! The bath picture is too much! Miss you guys!!
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