So far today has been a great day! Cambria and I went running around this really neat trail that I found and she took a little nap..yay! Then we both got showered and prettied up to go visit Adam at work. Her ear infection seems to finally be going away and she seems quite a bit happier. Adam gave me some really pretty daisies and a sweet card....and that is perfect. I am bummed that I have to spend the night alone though, he has to work tonight. However, nights when he is working usuallytranslates into "nights when I am walking around stores looking at all the fun things I wish I had room to put in my house that is falling off the hill" (not a story I want to talk about today!)
We celebrated last night and went to the Olive Garden. It was really good, except they ran out of high chairs so Cambria had to sit in her car seat....and we'll just leave it at she really, really, really didn't want to do that :) All in all, it's been a great day and I look forward to watching my movie "The Holiday" tonight with my Famous Daves take out :) Happy Valentines Day to me.
Because it is Valentines, I thought I would share some of the things that I love most.
I LOVE to hug Adam. It's just like the safest most comfortable place to be in the whole world. Plus I get to smell his yummy cologne, and I love that!

LOVE seeing my sweet baby smile and hearing her laugh. It makes all the worries and insecurities of being a mommy go away for a while. It's nearly impossible to not smile when that gummy, cheeky smile is staring right at you :)
I LOVE girls night out with my sisters and my's just so fun to be silly and laugh with them.
I LOVE to think of new decorating ideas for my house. I'm pretty sure Adam does not love this about me, but I love the feeling of being creative and unique. I like changing things and trying new things.
I LOVE being outside. There is almost no better feeling than being away from all the craziness of life and just enjoying the beauty of the world.
I LOVE the person who thought of boxing up TV shows and putting them on DVD's so I can be lazy and sit and watch them without all the stupid commercials. Right now I am currently addicted to the second season of "The Office." and while on TV shows, I LOVE that the stupid strike is over and I can watch non-rerun or reality TV again :)

I LOVE the luxury of a long shower every now and then. No one ever told me that once you have a baby you don't get to take those very often.
I LOVE being a mom. It is so much more rewarding, frustrating, amazing, demanding, exciting, emotional and wonderful than I ever thought it would be....and I am loving every second of it.
Your the best Mommy ever!! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope Ad dog makes tons of moneys at work tonight. Be prepared to bawl your eyes out after the "Holiday" I love that movie.
I'll be honest, to me, alone time is never a bad thing - even on Valentine's day! It sounds like you had a great day. I love the things you love! HA! You're so cute, and I fully agree with your motherhood findings! ;)
Happy Valentine's Day!
I LOVE The Holiday!! That movie is the perfect "girl at home alone by herself" movie. Happy Valentines!
What a great "love" list! I would love to see pictures of your place, I'm sure you do have it decorated super cute!
Happy (very late) Valentine's Day to you!! I'm sorry Adam had to work, but I am glad that you had a good day anyway! Love you!
I love the pictures of Cambria. I can see more of Adam in her, and she's just adoreable. I love the new look of your blog too, even though I'm a littl late in telling you that!
Hey Cara,
I just wanted to say hi, and that I've missed you since high school (I can't even remember when the last time we saw each other was, which is really sad). I found your blog on the bountiful high page, and have read it several times since then....sounds like you have a wonderful life in truly the most beautiful part of the country, nature-wise. And your family is just adorable. Anyway.... email me sometime? (If you click on my name, I think it should give you the option of emailing me?). I'm so glad I could read some of your blog....
Annie Edwards
Hey Cara,
What a cute little girl you have too! I love her name! I know your pain about spending Valentine's alone, Shane had to work also. You look so happy and look like you are enjoying life!
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