About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


The Hideousness!

So...my sister has asked me a-many times to post a picture of my completely distorted finger/fingernial. On Friday while I was trying to get my car packed with all our crap for the road trip up north, I slammed my finger in the front door. I know....who does that?! You really only hear of kids doing that, not 26 year olds, right? So I slammed it in the door and fought back the tears as I got Cambria in the car and tried to run some errands. By the time we got to my inlaws later that night it had bled through a few bandaids and was disturbingly larger than any of my other fingers. Needless to say, it does NOT look good, or feel good, but I don't have a picture of it. I do have a really cute picture of Cambria taking a bath.....maybe that will make up for it
(Adam dressed her for the bath)



Okay youre right! That totally wins out over nasty nail pictures!! I can't believe how big she is getting.... she barely fits in the tubby-tub! I love the bathing outfit tooo!