He is turning the big 3-0 on Wednesday, so I thought I would share some info about the love of my life:
- What is his name? Michael Adam Rigby, but all his brothers are named Michael so he just goes by Adam.
- How long have you been together? 5 1/2 years, married for 5.
- How long did you date? We met in July and married in January, so about 6 months.
- How old is he? He turns 30 in a few days!
- Who eats more? Hands down Adam. We go out to eat just so he can eat his food plus my leftovers.
- Who said I love you first? Adam. It went something like "You know I love you, but if you ever want to see me you'll have to buy a night skiing pass because that's where I'll be."
- Who is taller? Technically he is, but I hardly ever wear shoes that allow him to actaully be taller than me.
- Who can sing better? I can read music, but he makes up the cutest songs :)
- Who is smarter? Depends on the subject
- Who does the laundry? It's probably 50/50
- Who does the bills? 50/50 again
- Who sleeps on the right side? Adam, it's impossible for me to sleep on the right.
- Who mows the laen? The landscapers that our HOA pays for :)
- Who cooks? Mostly me. Adam does cook every now and then, but usually I do.
- Who drives? We both prefer him to drive, I pretty much suck at it and he gets frusterated when I do it. Except when we are in big cities and he doesn't know where he is, then I drive.
- Who is more stubborn? I would have to say him, but he would say me :)
- Who kissed who first? I tried to wait as long as I could, but I kissed him first.
- Who asked who out first? Adam asked me and we went hiking to this awesome waterfall in Layton. It was one of the funnest original dates I'd ever been on.
- Who proposed? Adam, I had no idea it was even coming. It was totally perfect...
- Who has more friends? Totally Adam, he makes friends with the random lady in line at the store. He is just so outgoing and friendly.
- Who is more sensitive? Definately me, although Adam can be a softy
- Who has more siblings? Adam is the oldest of 9, I'm the oldest of 4.
- Who wears the pants? When we first got married we decided that neither of us would wear the pants, we would be equal. It pretty much balances out that way :)
Anyone who wants to share about their hubby is tagged!
Happy Birthday to Adam! I love getting to know such fun stuff about you guys! You guys have such a great relationship, we really admire the both of you.
My FAVORITE "Atom song" goes like this....."calamine, calamine, calamine lotion....itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy, on my backy, backy" which he made up on a camping trip to Zions. Me and Tanner sing it all the time:)
We love you Ad-dog.... even if you are an old man!! Can't wait to see you guys.
Hey...do you have an email or any contact info for Liz. I've posted on her blog and it seems that she doesn't check it very often. I would like to get in contact with her. Whenever you get a chance, would be great. Thanks so much... oh and that was a cute post about your hubby. :)
Ahh, I remember the first days of both you and Kristin! :) Hey how do you get your blog so cute? I can't seem to figure it out!! Help
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