We started our day by going to the above mentioned parade. We met up with some friends who had some extra room in the shadiest part of the street. Cambria quickly made friends with some of the older girls and did really well!

Cambs and Dad. She is ALWAYS putting her finger in her mouth like that. Weird huh?!
I had to put this up to show my fam that she is kind of starting to get her chunks back in her legs! Plus she is standing like a little diva.
By far the most entertaining part of the parade was afterwards when they had the foot races. They had them for all ages so we put Cambria at the starting line for the under 1 year race. I think there was probably only 6 or 7 babies crawling and then one gigantuan girl who was walking. She took first :)
Camby took third! She got half way between the finish and start line and then just looked at us like "Why would I keep crawling towards you if you just keep moving away?!" So she just sat there. They gave her the third place 25 cent ticket because she was the only baby left out there. Either way, we are proud of her :)
After our exciting morning we came back and took a nap and just hung out. We left later that night to go see fireworks but couldn't find them anywhere. It was a nice day with my babies, even though we missed our family. Hope you had a great 24th of July, even if it was just another Thursday for you!