This is a shout out to my amazing sister, who is almost 5 months pregnant, and her awesome hubby who ran & biked the St. George Tri-athalon out at Sand Hollow reservoir this weekend. She trained like crazy, even learning how to swim. The swim part was cancelled though, so they ran, biked, ran. Adam went out with Cambria and Maci to cheer them on and I just wanted them both to know how proud of them we are.....what a HUGE accomplishment that is, no matter what you say sister ;)

That other cute girl is Sara Oborn, also triathelete. She and Kristin ran together and did awesome. I got to tag along with them this weekend, and had to let her know how proud of her I was too. Seriously, she just had a baby 9 months ago. Doesn't look like it huh?! Way to go Sar!

Tanner B. running towards the finish line

Sister starting her 2nd run after the bike ride....he he, she's gonna kill me for putting this picture up ;)

Cambria doin some hard core cheering for Uncle Tan & Aunt Kristin

Me trying to keep Maci's mouth off the top of the was more difficult than it sounds.

And this is the one good pic I have on my camera from the half marathon I ran last weekend. That awesome girl next to me is Natalie and she kept my legs going. Thanks Nat for training with me and all the good conversations we've had together! Also, I had to thank my sweet Adam babe for supporting my while I trained for the meant alot to me that you would be there for me and encourage me to go running in the mornings. I sure love you and am grateful for you.
That is so awesome! congrats on the run.
Goodness Cara, it seems like anytime we talk to you guys, you or your fam or Adams fam is running somewhere! I've never felt so lazy, especially when I read that your sister did a triathalon 5 months pregnant!?!? I am so proud of you guys and all your healthy ambitions... maybe some can rub off on me!
You're Dead! I will search high and low for the ugliest picture I can find of...then I will blow it up life size and plaster it on my garage for 6 months! That is seriously the sickest picture ever!
Hey lady! It was so fun to see you this weekend! Thanks for the snippit. You're the best. And, once again, I'm so proud of you for doing the 1/2! See you soon.
Wow! That's amazing. I don't look that good when I'm NOT five months pregnant!
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