I'm going to commemorate my 101st post by having pictures of my Cambria and some of our sweet friends' kids as they played in the sprinklers earlier this week. I can think of no better tribute ;)

This is actually me & Colton trying to get Adam wet in the sprinklers.......

which ultimately turned into ME......

getting SOAKED. Well worth it though, we don't really like to watch all the other kids have fun and have none of it ourselves ;)

Adam, Ava & Cambria riding on Coltons super scary, super unsafe no brake motorcycle

Friends forever!
That's so funny....I just did my 101st post. Love blogging! (I was excited to do my 100 post but I totally forgot.)
Love the sprinklers
Soooooooooooo Cute! I love her. She reminds me of the gerber baby or something. We better hang out before you move.
I can't believe how much Cambria looks like Indee. Crazy!! Guess who you get to see in less than a week...... ME! I can't wait to see you guys. Love ya
How fun!! I love sprinklers. You guys are so cute.
Cutest pictures of Cambria! And I love you guys getting in on the action as well. Fun!
I am soooo sad you are moving farther away from me!! I love your pictures of Cambi, she's so cute!
very very cute ... looks like you all had fun!
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