About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)



Pictures will come soon, although they aren't very attractive, of me & my friend running the Hurrican half marathon. It was awesome....such a cool feeling. We did it in 2 hours & 5 minutes! Woo-hoo!


Becky Henson said...

You are amazing! What an accomplishment and I'm sure it was probably perfect weather there. We love hearing about all your adventures.

becky rigby said...

I'm so proud of you Cara! I loved hanging out with you this week. I can't wait to see you soon. I love you!

Natalie Jensen said...

yeah we're amazing!!! you rock I couldn't have done it without you can't wait for more fun runs!

Lauren Maley said...

i want to do it. bad. I am so proud of you!!!

Marci said...

Yay! You are so awesome. That's an awesome time too.

Cody and Haylee said...

WOW Cara, Running for over 2 hours?!?! That is amazing... and a little crazy! I'm so proud of you!

Allred Family said...

I just can't imagine. You go girl! (I always want to say that and can't quite pull it off - but it seems appropriate in this instance)


YAHOOOOOOO! I am so stinkin proud of you and pretty proud that I have very sneakily converted you into a runner :) I am soooo sorry I couldn't be there to watch you finish!! I love you!

Schneiter family said...

You are so awesome. I bet that is a great feeling to know you did it and in an AWESOME time too.