About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


101 posts

I'm going to commemorate my 101st post by having pictures of my Cambria and some of our sweet friends' kids as they played in the sprinklers earlier this week. I can think of no better tribute ;)

This is actually me & Colton trying to get Adam wet in the sprinklers.......
which ultimately turned into ME......

getting SOAKED. Well worth it though, we don't really like to watch all the other kids have fun and have none of it ourselves ;)

Adam, Ava & Cambria riding on Coltons super scary, super unsafe no brake motorcycle

Friends forever!


Mother's Day

I wanted to pay a tribute to the women in my life who have been incredible examples of motherhood and womanhood.

First of all, my sweet mom. (I'm already tearing up!) There is a special place in my heart for the woman who believed in me, loved me, stood up for me & taught me so many truths. She did those things even when I treated her like she never deserved to be treated. She is truly my best friend. She has given me perspective through dark and trying times. She has laughed with me until my stomach was sore. She listens to my fears, joys, complaining and anything else that I tell her. She is immovable in her faith in the Lord. I am in awe of who she is and what she has been through. My gratitude for her is inexpressible. She has sacrificed so much for me and I hope that she truly knows of my appreciation and admiration for her. I love you Mom. Cambria loves her Grandma that makes up songs for her, dances with her, and teaches her embrace herself.

Secondly, my husbands mom who I also love very much. This sweet mom has been so gracious to me since becoming part of her family. She has been selfless in giving time and money to come visit us. She has been such an integral part of my amazing husbands life, teaching him honesty, hard work, respect, and faith in His Savior. She is an amazing cook who honestly makes dinner for people almost every night. She would drop anything and come help. I just want her to know that I love her and am grateful for her example as a kind and loving mother to her kids. I appreciate her willingness to try new things on my behalf, even though change isn't something she enjoys :) I sure love you Kathy.

I need my sister to know how much I love her and admire her as a beautiful person and mother. She has been such a support to me while we have been going through the same kid phases and i have enjoyed having a partner to commiserate/smile with. You sister are amazing and I am so proud of the wife & mother that you have become.

Also, my sister & sister-in-laws who do or do not have kids....I love you as well and appreciate the example of righteous women you are. I have had these women come into my life and bless my with their individuality and uniqueness. I love each of them so much and am grateful for the things that bind us together and allow us to know and love each other.

Lastly I want my sweet friends, old and new, to know that in some way your life has influenced and touched mine, making life sweeter. I have been surrounded by friends and family who have loved and influenced me. Thank you.

Sister and Tanner B. Bell

This is a shout out to my amazing sister, who is almost 5 months pregnant, and her awesome hubby who ran & biked the St. George Tri-athalon out at Sand Hollow reservoir this weekend. She trained like crazy, even learning how to swim. The swim part was cancelled though, so they ran, biked, ran. Adam went out with Cambria and Maci to cheer them on and I just wanted them both to know how proud of them we are.....what a HUGE accomplishment that is, no matter what you say sister ;)

That other cute girl is Sara Oborn, also triathelete. She and Kristin ran together and did awesome. I got to tag along with them this weekend, and had to let her know how proud of her I was too. Seriously, she just had a baby 9 months ago. Doesn't look like it huh?! Way to go Sar!

Tanner B. running towards the finish line

Sister starting her 2nd run after the bike ride....he he, she's gonna kill me for putting this picture up ;)

Cambria doin some hard core cheering for Uncle Tan & Aunt Kristin

Me trying to keep Maci's mouth off the top of the cone...it was more difficult than it sounds.

And this is the one good pic I have on my camera from the half marathon I ran last weekend. That awesome girl next to me is Natalie and she kept my legs going. Thanks Nat for training with me and all the good conversations we've had together! Also, I had to thank my sweet Adam babe for supporting my while I trained for the half....it meant alot to me that you would be there for me and encourage me to go running in the mornings. I sure love you and am grateful for you.

Cambria Pics

Just some pictures of how big my little girl is getting. She is growing up so fast, copying so many things Adam and I say & do, singing and dancing. I am in love with her silliness, her hugs, her kisses, her independance, her personality and her perfect spirit. Hope you enjoy the pics ;)



Pictures will come soon, although they aren't very attractive, of me & my friend running the Hurrican half marathon. It was awesome....such a cool feeling. We did it in 2 hours & 5 minutes! Woo-hoo!