I've decided that if I can update this 2 times a month, then I'm in pretty good shape! Things have been so super busy which is wonderful and can be overwhelming. Last weekend for Easter Cambria and I went up to Bountiful to see my family and it was so fun. I wish that Chris and Karly where there, but we were certainly thinking of them. We went out to eat, I tried Sushi, we got pedicures and pretty much just hung out and laughed at our babies. It was super fun. I love to go up there for a lot of reasons, but one of them is that we always have so much fun together. I love that. Below is a jumble of pictures that have accumulated on my camera....I'll try and make sense of them!

On Saturday Adam took Cambria and I to Springdale, right outside of Zions National Park. I love it up there, it is so pretty and they have such great shops up there. This isn't up there, but it's a ghetto "trading post" on the way that we've always driven by. We decided to stop and show Cambria the animals (which she loved). I love how she is totally waving in this picture!

Also while we were up in Springdale Adam surprised me by taking me to this art gallery that sold prints of my favorite local artist. I have seriously been looking all over town for places to buy a print. I would love an original or even giclee, but don't have the money. He got a hold of the artist, found out where she has her stuff at and bought me some. I was in tears, it was so sweet. I can't put her pictures up, but you can check out her website at http://www.gina-jrel-art.com/artist_gina_jrels_paintings.html He's a wonderful husband who surprised me with a funderful day. (like how I make up my own words?!)
That snot nosed face is darling. Too funny. AND...I love that your hubby holds her on his shoulder...too cute!
i just want to squeeze that baby!!!
Cara, I love it! Your blog makes me want to learn how. Caleb and I are "studying" for our test right now and I keep distracting him to come look at how cute these picture are. That snotty one is hilarious. We laughed so hard. I guess it's the Rigby sick humor :) I'm so excited to see you guys in a bit. We are going to party like it's 1999. I love you guys.
Hello Cara, I wanted to thank you for your kind comments on your blog space about my artwork. And being listed as your favorite Local artist...you made my day! Thank you.
I am sorry you had difficulty finding my small retail art items.... I apologize! I am in transition right now. But you can always go to my website at www.gina-jrel-art.com and shop. Just email me if you find something you want to purchase, and I will be happy to get the order placed for you!
And...feel free to post my paintings on your site if you wish. Just be sure to list the title of the piece, © Artist Gina Jrel, and a link to my website by the piece.
Again, thank you for your interest in my art!
Warmest regards,
Gina Jrel
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