About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


About Daughters

So I got this book for Adam when we found out we were having a girl and it's calle "Father to Daughter", by Harry H. Harrison. I was reading through it the other night and thought there were some worth sharing :)

  • Sometimes (okay, many times) she may not know what she wants. Your job is to help her figure it out.
  • Display her artwork in your office. Why should all the good stuff go on the refrigerator?
  • This cannot be said enough: Don't give into the urge to buy her everything.
  • Inspire her to never give up.
  • Take her out to dinner, just the two of you.
  • Prepare for the day when you aren't the most important man in her life.
  • There will be times when you'd rather stick needles in your eyes than have a particular conversation with her. This is when you must act like a father.
  • She will decide you need a complete, head-to-toe, fashion make over. Beware! This will not make you look cool
  • Don't put any more restrictions on your daughter than you would on a son at the same age and maturity level
  • Accept the fact that girls squeal (or cry) when they're happy, confused, excited, scared, or they just saw a certain boy in line.
  • Write this down: Girls cry. Alot.
  • Remember if little girls don't get a nap, they can resemble something from a Stephen King novel.
  • Dance with her always. She'll never be too young. Or too old.
  • Show her how to throw a right cross. That will stop any boy from picking on her.


Kirsten said...

I laughed about the comment of sticking needles in your eyes. What a sweet book. I've got to get the name. :) Oh and thanks for the sweet comments about my bags.

Liz said...

I love the thoughts. I will admit that we do give our girls everything they want and it's bad and it's starting to show. I heard recently that you shouldn't give your child anything they don't ask for and when they do ask for something make them earn it. we are going to start trying to do this. By the way, where are the pics of your hair cut?

Karly said...

These are cute Cara. Cambria is growing so fast and she keeps getting cuter. We sure love you guys and miss seeing you. I showed Chris the pics of her swimming last night and he just loved them.

Anonymous said...

What in the heck?? How did i find you on my friends blog and i had no clue you had a blog......What? I went to High School with Bryce Nelson! Wow, small world! How are you guys???

erin sheely said...

hey! that's awesome!!

Happy Family said...

ooooohhhhh! That makes me want a girl now. I think daddy's and daughters have such a special relationship.


Where was this book 26 years ago?

Cheryl said...

Love it!!! Thanks for taking the time to share some of those. Brad and I looked at them together and they are so cute.