Here are some more Easter pics that I had taken of Cambria. A good friend of mine that I work with offered to have her daughter take some pictures and let us borrow her bunny. Cambria loved the bunny...I think it made my friend Janeen a little nervous at how much she loved him. She was petting and patting and pulling....but so much fun. They turned out so cute. I think there is only a handful of pictures where she doesn't have one of those eggs in her hands....she LOVED those and that basket. Thank heavens for things like that that keep her occupied for a long time :) Anyways, enjoy!
Easter pictures
Here are some more Easter pics that I had taken of Cambria. A good friend of mine that I work with offered to have her daughter take some pictures and let us borrow her bunny. Cambria loved the bunny...I think it made my friend Janeen a little nervous at how much she loved him. She was petting and patting and pulling....but so much fun. They turned out so cute. I think there is only a handful of pictures where she doesn't have one of those eggs in her hands....she LOVED those and that basket. Thank heavens for things like that that keep her occupied for a long time :) Anyways, enjoy!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 12:24 PM 4 comments
The Randomness!

On Saturday Adam took Cambria and I to Springdale, right outside of Zions National Park. I love it up there, it is so pretty and they have such great shops up there. This isn't up there, but it's a ghetto "trading post" on the way that we've always driven by. We decided to stop and show Cambria the animals (which she loved). I love how she is totally waving in this picture!

Posted by Cara Rigby at 5:40 PM 5 comments
About Daughters
So I got this book for Adam when we found out we were having a girl and it's calle "Father to Daughter", by Harry H. Harrison. I was reading through it the other night and thought there were some worth sharing :)
- Sometimes (okay, many times) she may not know what she wants. Your job is to help her figure it out.
- Display her artwork in your office. Why should all the good stuff go on the refrigerator?
- This cannot be said enough: Don't give into the urge to buy her everything.
- Inspire her to never give up.
- Take her out to dinner, just the two of you.
- Prepare for the day when you aren't the most important man in her life.
- There will be times when you'd rather stick needles in your eyes than have a particular conversation with her. This is when you must act like a father.
- She will decide you need a complete, head-to-toe, fashion make over. Beware! This will not make you look cool
- Don't put any more restrictions on your daughter than you would on a son at the same age and maturity level
- Accept the fact that girls squeal (or cry) when they're happy, confused, excited, scared, or they just saw a certain boy in line.
- Write this down: Girls cry. Alot.
- Remember if little girls don't get a nap, they can resemble something from a Stephen King novel.
- Dance with her always. She'll never be too young. Or too old.
- Show her how to throw a right cross. That will stop any boy from picking on her.
Posted by Cara Rigby at 9:13 PM 8 comments
Swimming Days and Running Nights
So...we took Cambria swimming
for the first time this weekend and I am pretty sure that she
loved it! She pretty
much loves bath time and splashing around so I thought we might as well start her early. For
anyone who knows me knows that I am a horrible swimmer, and by horrible I mean that I couldn't do it to save my life.....literally! Which is weird because I did take swimming lessons, albeit it from a questionable/scary teacher reeked of smoke :) It's one of those things that if Adam knew that about me before we got married...he might not have asked.
Anyways, I digress. Cambria LOVED it and had so much fun. I thought the water was way too cold, so I took the pictures and the two of them played :) I think Adam had as much fun as she did! That bathing suit is actually a 12 month suit, but the one that should have fit her (and is much cuter) didn't. Don't think I didn't try my hardest to squeeze her into though.
Other than swimming, Cambria can now add to her list of things that she does so cute....acting like a lamb. The other day we were playing and all of a sudden she just started saying "ba ba ba" and then blowing raspberries. And no joke...non-stop since then. I love it, it is so cute. Sometimes she'll scream it, sometimes she'll whisper it and she'll change her mouth up in different ways. It's so amazing to see her grow, there just isn't any other word.
In other more grown up, less exciting news....I have been running/training for my brother in law Tanners race ( that is coming up at the end of June. I've ran in it two years, this will be the first that Adam isn't running with me. I really love to run...I'm not fast but I love the feeling of just moving, sweating, and clearing my mind. Usually I start training on a treadmill and then ease into running on actual trails, but this year just isn't the case. Since I don't have a gym pass, I take the stroller out. Not a running/jogging stroller, the regular one that doesn't move as well and feels like it's going to fall to pieces! I'm excited for it, although I kind of have a love/hate relationship with this race. The year I run I think to myself, "Cara, you are crazy..there is no way you are doing this next year." So the next year I help out at the race and think to myself "Man I wish I was running in it, it's such a cool feeling." And both of those are true!
This past week I got to see my Aunt Sue, Sarah and her incredibly cute & lively daughter Ava. They came up from Las Vegas to see us and eat at Cafe Rio (yummy!) I love getting together with them, it's so great to see family!
And the last bit of news comes from Adam who really wanted me to post this because he is so proud of it. A few weeks ago he entered a sweepstakes contest and won a free 32" LCD/HD TV for free! I know, cool huh. And a much welcomes upgrade from our tiny tiny TV that drives me crazy. Anyways, he thought if he's going to get a new TV, it might as well be one that he wanted so he sold it and it going to upgrade to some wha bam big TV. I personally would be grateful for anything larger than our current one, but know we have to wait until he can find the perfect one for the perfect price. Boys and their toys. I'm sure he'll make me take a picture of the one he finally chooses, so stay tuned!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 8:20 PM 3 comments