About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Chrsitmas 2007

This has been a long time coming....and the task just got bigger the longer that I put it off, but here I am :) Christmas this year was awesome, Grandma Cathy and Aunt Hannah came down Christmas Eve and we had a festive dinner of Dominoe's pizza (the only restraunt open past 6:00) and then read some Christmas stories. Christmas morning was super fun, Cambria got pretty spoiled with gifts from Grandmas and aunts/uncles. This is pretty much the face that she made all day long.

Here she is opening presents with Grandma, clearly the glazed over look on her face shows her excitement for the cell phone that mom & dad (and Grandma Kathy got her!)

It was fun to have Hannah stay a day later with us....My mom had to leave Christmas Day for California and she stayed with us until Wednesday when we could go. She is such a good Auntie :)

Her doll from the Rigbys, thanks Grandma! So all in all it was a great day, after we took a little nap, and played some Karaoke Revolution with my new microphone we tried to go for a hike that Adam had heard about but we couldn't find it. It was fun to be with family and share Christmas with Cambria, she was definately our long awaited Christmas present this year!



Merry Christmas... That is so cute that Cambers even looked at her presents.. Maci didn't at all. Isn't Hannah soo beautiful? Those are cute pictures of her.