So yep.....we went to the Blue Man Group in Las Vegas for our anniversary which was a few weeks ago. We were on the second row and they had these ponchos for people in the first 4 rows to wear so they didn't get splashed with anything. Then they had all this tissue that they handed out to everyone and they told us to decorate yourself with it. So, this is what we looked like for the whole show. It was awesome, we had so much fun. It's hard to describe what it is that they actually do, but whatever it was, it was really cool. They play the drums with paint and it splashes everywhere and one of the guys was throwing marshmallows, the big ones, at another one of them from across the stage and he caught 22 in his mouth. Awesome, but slightly gross at the same time. It was so much fun, I love living close to Las Vegas where we can go and see stuff like that every now and then. Plus, we got to eat at the Cheesecake Factory before, and oh was really good :) Thanks Adam babe for the sweet anniversary gift, It was SO fun!
Blue Man Group
Posted by Cara Rigby at 7:57 AM 4 comments
Dirty Mouth
I'm not very techno-savvy so I don't know how to put the actual video on here, but here is the link to the funniest commercial. Kristin and I were talking about it last weekend when I was up there and it reminds me of something that she would have called me when we were younger. Here is the link:
Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:30 PM 4 comments
Super Maci and Solid Foods

Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:13 PM 3 comments
Fun in the Cali Sun
The day after Christmas we all headed down to California to get ready for Chris and Karly's wedding (I know....crazy that my little bro is married). On Thursday we went to Knott's Berry Farm and even took Maci and Cambria. It was fun to be there and remember all the times that we went when we were younger. Boy oh boy...I can't ride rollercoasters like I used to. I could ride them all day and after about 2 I was totally done with. Nonetheless, it was fun...Adam hadn't ever been there and it was super fun to spend a little time with Chris before the big day. Kristin and I and my mom took the little girls home early and everyone else stayed and rode rollercoasters for a while.
The next day Adam and I thought it would be fun to take Cambria to the beach so we drove down to Laguna Beach. I love that beach, I can't really remember if I went there when I was younger but every time Adam and I go down to see my Grandma Helen we go there because they have really cool tide pools. Infact, one time when we were there we found a baby octupus. Anyways, we had fun. I love the reminds me sooo much of my child hood.
It was an awesome day and so fun to spend time with my family and hubby. That is precious time for me :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 8:33 PM 2 comments
Chrsitmas 2007
This has been a long time coming....and the task just got bigger the longer that I put it off, but here I am :) Christmas this year was awesome, Grandma Cathy and Aunt Hannah came down Christmas Eve and we had a festive dinner of Dominoe's pizza (the only restraunt open past 6:00) and then read some Christmas stories. Christmas morning was super fun, Cambria got pretty spoiled with gifts from Grandmas and aunts/uncles. This is pretty much the face that she made all day long.
Here she is opening presents with Grandma, clearly the glazed over look on her face shows her excitement for the cell phone that mom & dad (and Grandma Kathy got her!)
It was fun to have Hannah stay a day later with us....My mom had to leave Christmas Day for California and she stayed with us until Wednesday when we could go. She is such a good Auntie :)
Her doll from the Rigbys, thanks Grandma! So all in all it was a great day, after we took a little nap, and played some Karaoke Revolution with my new microphone we tried to go for a hike that Adam had heard about but we couldn't find it. It was fun to be with family and share Christmas with Cambria, she was definately our long awaited Christmas present this year!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 8:07 PM 1 comments
The Best 5 Years
Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:10 PM 5 comments