About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Queen of Sass

It's amazing how each day Cambria's personality comes out a little more. Here are some of the pictures of her what I call "bi-polar" personality...where in one minute she is a scuzz ball and the next she is all smiles.


Jacilynn said...

Cara & Adam,
She is so cute and wanted to say I have a Sassy little thing. It must be in the blood.

becky rigby said...

I love that little bi-polar chica!! I agree with Jacilynn, her sass definitely came from you =)

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! that is sooo adorable!

Kirsten said...

scuzzball!?! That word made me laugh. Even her "scuzzball" face is too cute to be mad at :)

Liz said...

Just wait until she's older, it's not so cute on a six year old. . . Ok, sometimes it is, but she just gets mad when we smile and laugh at "her looks"

Kourtney said...

She is so dang cute. I am glad that we were able to get your blog through Brandon. We would love to see you guys when we come down. And you guys are always welcome at our home too. Way cute blog we hope to hear from you soon.

Danae said...

This reminds me of that YouTube video of the little black kid that totally gives attitude and then laughs his head off. Very cute!! I love her chubby cheeks!

Kisten Downey said...

she is so freaking cute... we miss you guys...

Cody and Haylee said...

Hehe! I love that cute girl!!! Give her some loves from us! tttt - Those are from Trey, he says Hi!

Anonymous said...

She is SUCH a RIgby!! ha ha

erin sheely said...

My lands she is awesome. What perfect faces.