The past two weeks have been out of control crazy, so I'll try and re-cap as best I can. New Year's was super un-eventful since Cambria was sick and in bed by 7:30 and Adam worked until 11:45. At least I got a New Year's kiss :) On the third of this month we celebrated our 6th anniversary. My sweet mom watched Cambria while we went to the temple then went to dinnner. The temple was awesome, dinner was tragic and the company was fabulous. Adam got me a pic of the Bountiful temple and a smokin hot new camera. I have been complaining about my old one forever. Guess it paid off because this new one is the best. It's the same one that my bro-in-law & his wife (Bran and Marci) have that I have been coveting for a long time now. I just want my incredibly patient, forgiving and thoughtful husband to know that I love him more everyday. And that I look forward to the many crazy days ahead that we will share together. He is my sanity and I am deeply in love with and grateful for him.
The next day we found out that my sweet Grandma Helen was in the hospital and in a blur Adam packed up Cambria and met his parents in Filmore where they so graciously and life-savingly took her for a week. My sisters and I headed down to California that night and we said goodbye to my Grandma. It was an intensely spiritual expeirance for me, she was an incredible woman who lived a good life, inspite of all the things she lived through. She raised a faithful, beautiful woman who is my mom and I am so grateful for that. The week we were down at her house preparing her funeral is a precious memory for me. To be with my family, bond with my bro, spend time with my amazing sisters and mom is something I won't soon forget. It was a beautiful and uplifting funeral service...she would have been pleased. She will be dearly missed as she is the only Grandma that I really knew. My dad's mom passed away when I was young and I didn't really know her.
We did get a chance to go to Laguna Beach and see the tide pool. Adam is so much calmer once we go to the beach and he can touch wildlife and explore. It was actually awesome this year. Last year we tried to go and the tide pools were closed off. This time we saw HUGE star fish and the tide was so low we could go out pretty far. It was fun. The whole time I kept thinking "Cambria would love this, and I would go crazy with her!"

We made it up to Layton for Erics homecoming. He did a great job and I was so impressed. He is a good guy...hint hint. Not sure if any single ladies read this, but if you do...hint hint :)

We are finally getting back into the swing of things...finally. Enjoy these cute pics of my silly, beautiful little girl.

Cambria lovin on her cousin Rocky

She found my pregnant swimsuit GINORMOUS bottoms and was wearing them around her head all morning. Some might think that's gross....I thought it was hilarious. Drew the line though when she wanted to walk outside in them. Although, it's not like putting this picture on my blog is any different than that!
I am so sorry about your Grandma. You are such an amazing girl and I am glad you were able to be with her and your family.
I love your baby girl wearing your swimsuit bottoms. :)
I can't believe how big Rocky is!!! How fun to see them together! Maci is jealous ;) I was craving some Cambi 'beaters'....I love it! Miss you!
I miss you guys already. We need to talk more :) That starfish Adam is holding is disgusting, but Cambies "cheeky" picture makes up for it.
I am SO SORRY about your Grandma. I posted over at Kristen's blog just now, but please tell your mom for me that I am thinking of her and all of you. I am so glad you got to be there, though.
Happy 6 year Anniversary!!! It seems just like yesterday you guys got married and I bearly even knew your name!
I love all your pics and miss you guys so much! Caden keeps telling me we need to move down there so I can play with a cute baby girl... I guess that's the only way I'll get one huh :)
Hi sweetie! I hope that you are doing ok after losing your Grandma. I had a similar experience a couple years ago. I am SO grateful I was able to say goodbye.
You have such a cute family and I love that little Cambria! ;) Congrats on the 6 years! Mine and Gary's six year is coming up in April. So crazy!
Hey I just wanted to say Hi. I found you guys off of Rikkis blog. We our private, but it would be fun to keep in touch. send us your e-mail address to
Your little one is growing so fast. I am also sorry about your grandma
Hey cutie... good to see that everything is going great...You guys need to come over... just stop buy anytime and hang out.. i will make a yummy treat.. im great at making treats. tell adam hi and what the crap happend to RUBY RIVER? sucks bad i loved that place so sad... talk to you soon...
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