i am: in love with my daughter
i think: about adam when we aren't together
i am happy: that we have jobs and a house
i have: a lot of ideas that will probably never come to pass
i miss: my dad
i fear: eating chicken that I didn't prepare
i feel: blessed to have all that I do
i smell: really good. Someone gave me some new lotion and I love it!
i usually: don't accomplish all that I plan to in the day
i search: everyday for my keys and phone
i wonder: why people think it's okay to lie
i regret: thinking that things I did only hurt me
i love: hanging out with my family
i care: about being a good and Christ-like person
i tell: funny jokes and then I laugh at them
i worry: about things I can't control
i am not: organized, in the least!
i remember: every word to a lot of TV show theme songs
i believe: that my Savior loves, knows and cares about me
i sing: in the car with the music at full blast when I'm alone
i don’t always: try and be nice to some people
i don’t like: when people don't really listen to me or take advantage of me
i write: a lot of lists and then lose them
i win: hardly any game that Adam and I play together
i lose: at any game that requires a strategy
i dance: incredibly! I have a lot of moves that the world isn't ready for!
i wish: I could take my mom and sisters to Scotland
i never: get tired of watching my Friends DVD's
i listen: to Cambria "talk" and love it
i don't understand: how come I can't make a decent batch of chocolate chip cookies!
i can usually be found: at Target. I put it as my emergency contact :)
i am scared: of car crashes
i need: to pay my credit card off
i forget: to lock my car door all the time
I tag anyone who reads this and their age is an even number :)
i am
Posted by Cara Rigby at 4:03 PM 4 comments
Christmas pics
Since I've been super cheap and busy this year, I'm still debating about Christmas cards. So if I don't get them out I'll just share the pictures I took of Cambria in the cute dress I found for her for Christmas. Don't mind that she has no tights on, I looked no joke for an hour for them and refused to buy some, so she just didn't wear any :) Anyways, just a few random pics....

Posted by Cara Rigby at 11:12 PM 12 comments
Family, Friends, and Food
This year for Thanksgiving (I know...I'm super late) we got to have most of my family come down and hang out for a few days. My mom and Hannah came down late Wednesday night and on Thursday we prepared a FEAST. It was so so good....kudos to Han on her amazing sweet potatoes and to my mom for the yummy deserts. Actually my mom pretty much helped me do everything...it wouldn't have been half as good if she wasn't there to help me. It was so much fun to spend time with them. Later that night Tan, Kristin and Maci came down and spent the rest of the weekend with us. I'm bummed that we didn't even get a pic of my mom before she left, but she was there :)

Posted by Cara Rigby at 10:34 PM 3 comments