On the 30th of July Cambria turned 4, so we took her camping up North Fork Park by Pineview. It was so fun! We found this great trail that led to a waterfall, and then right behind our campground there was a pond where we saw beaver and a moose. Yep, a moose. And it was maybe a hundred or so yards away. It was awesome!
On our way back from camping we stopped in Layton to cheer on Brandon, Eric and Caleb in their first Triathalon. They did awesome, even though we didn't actually make it in time to see them cross the line :)

Eric, Brandon and their cousin David AKA Ben Stiller in "Dodgeball"

Love these two! Quincy is such a sweet baby....always so smiley and lovin on almost anyone. She looks so much like Adam! And she was such a trooper while we were camping. We didn't bring a pack n' play for her to sleep in, just some blankets to lay on. Not sure why we thought that would be a good idea at all. She didn't want to go to sleep at all in the tent, so I wrapped her up and put her in the carseat in the car while Adam and I had hot chocolate outside. When we went to bed we took her out and put her on the floor. At some horribly early hour she woke up choking (I think she swallowed a bug) and then realized that her fingernails made a really cool sound when she scratched the tent. She would have been content to do that all night :) I think adam ended up on the floor and she took his place on the air mattress. Good times.

How I love her! Silly, sweet, creative, loving, passionate, energetic, friendly, bright, and incredibly special. Happy Birthday Bug! We love you!
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