About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Pre-Halloween Fun

Just a quick post about our super fun YM/YW Halloween carnival that we had last night. I took the liberty of inviting Adam and Cambria to come all dressed up and it was so much fun. Cambria did AWESOME in her costume, she didn't even fuss about it. I was a little worried because some of our trial runs didn't go so great. Adam and I love dressing up...and can't wait to do it again on Friday. Tell me you don't love the last picture of my little bee scuzzing the camera :)


Typical Days with Camby & Maci

Wake up and give each other loves

Enthusiastically go for morning walk

Patiently ask mom for a morning snack

Eat morning snack all in one bite

Make fun of eachother for eating morning snack in one bite

Get to work fitting random things into a video cassette

Politely play with eachother

Put anything on head, especially things mom says I shouldn't.

There really couldn't be a more entertaining way to spend your day :)

Official Marathoner!

Kristin ran her 1st marathon on the 20th and she did so awesome. I couldn't have been more proud of her....to watch her struggle with so many things and be able to do this is truly an amazing feat. She finished in 3 hrs. 53 min....which by the way is almost 8 minute miles for 26.2 miles. These are just a few of the pics I got of her...most of which are already on her blog.

This is Mace cheering on mom :) She was pretty pooped from getting in and out of the car to cheer for Kristin.

I am so proud of you Sister! I must hestitantly admit that you have planted an itch in me to run a marathon....you are a tricky one. Check out this to read about all the reasons that she ran....if you don't cry, you may be heartless ;)
