So last weekend my sister Kristin and I ran for our third year in the Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back and it was awesome. The starting line was huge, this year they had 580 teams! The first year that we ran it, just 5 years ago, they had 22. Not a bad increase huh?! Kristin and I went up to Logan early to see the start line and Tan...who was unusually calm :) The starting line was awesome and we got to see a few cool teams. Infact, there was one team from who had all their runners run with a sports item. So, the guy at the starting line was actually RUNNING with cross-country skis on. One guy ran with snow shoes and another we saw ran with a life jacket and a kayak paddle. It was fun....lots of good energy. After we were up there for a bit we headed back to Farmington where we met up with our van, which was Kristin's mother-in-law, Tanner's newly married cousin and her husband (who joined our team on VERY short notice) and a friend of their family. It was really fun ...there's nothing like running in the middle of the night and being crammed in a van for 12 hours together!
Everyone did really well, and it was so awesome to see all the teams on the road. This was the first year I ran where I wasn't the ONLY person running the leg. That was nice, especially in the middle of nowhere at 3 in the morning where there are no street lights. Yes, I do get creeped out by that situation. Everything was going well until my clumsy and tired self started to run. I was on my last leg running down into Park City when a well meaning van honked to cheer me on and instead scared the crap out of me. Maybe my ipod shouldn't have been so loud and maybe I should have been paying attention but whatever it was I slid on some loose gravel on the side of the road and scraped my knee and hand up. I couldn't just sit there and bleed, the car was waiting for me about a mile away. So I just got up and ran. I didn't even hurt but I was really upset about my shoes. They were pretty much soaked in blood and I just bought them a few months ago. I was more concerned about that than the stuff falling out of my knee cap. A nice biker offered to ride down the hill and find my car and they came up to find me running. My sister cleaned it out for me, took some pictures and then told me I couldn't run anymore. She's kind of a punk like that :) So, instead of crossing the finish line with my team and seeing all the cool stuff, I got to hang out alone (Adam was ready to pass out from the site of my knee & all the scrubbing they did to get gravel out) in the Park City clinic while I got 16 stitches. At least I'll have a cool scar. I haven't take any after pictures, but the before are more exciting and gruesome.
It was a great race....Tanner and his crew did a great job. I had so much fun running with Kristin and I can't wait to do the next one. Next time someone else can take the fall :)
PS....In all my excitement to tell about my wounded knee, I forgot to mention my sweet husband and all that he did during the race. This was the first year that we haven't ran together, which was sad for me. He is so supportive to cheer me on and help out. This year instead, he was managing one of the major (and extremely crowded) exchange and did an awesome job. He was there from 7 pm on Friday till about 11 am on Saturday...with only 2 hrs. of sleep the night before. He's awesome, I love you baby :)
the Ragnasty Relay (AKA Wasatch Back)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 6:15 PM 4 comments
Yep.....It's true! I turned 27 yesterday and I just wanted to thank my family and friends who made it such a great day. I really appreciated all the calls and texts and sweet made my day so much fun! Adam was so sweet, he started off my big day by making me breakfast. It was so yummy, he did a great job. Plus he got me earrings, which I LOVE, flowers and Sword in the Stone. I love that movie, it totally reminds me of my sister and I :) Then Cambria and I just played and took a nap together and then went to lunch at Cafe Rio. It was so so good. My sweet friend Lacy and her cute daughter watched Cambria while Adam and I went to Springdale for dinner. We went and visited one of our favorite art gallery while we were up there and happened to mention to the owner that we were up there for my birthday. He was so sweet....he let me pick out a 18x24 print for free. It's awesome! We ate at this hippie pizza place, which was amazing. While we were there we saw this guy that looked EXACTLY like my brother in law Brandon looked like 10 years ago. Adam and I couldn't stop staring and talking about how similar they looked. I finally went up and asked if I could take a picture of him to send to my brother in law because he looked just like him. Yeah, he was weirded out, but what did I care? It was my birthday. When we got back home Adam still had a few b-day surprises up his sleeve....a new alarm clock and gift cards to Bath & Body works and Barnes and Noble. Plus a really sweet card....he is so good to me. Everyone was so generous...thank you again. I had a great day and it wouldn't have been nearly as great if I didn't have such great family and friends :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 8:18 PM 4 comments
One word describes it all.......
I totally enjoy doing these, hopefully someone enjoys reading them!
1-Your cell phone? new
2-Your significant other? patient
3-Your Mother? Incredible
4- Your Father? Left
5-Your Hair? bed-head
6-Your favorite Thing? laughing
7-Your Dream last night? boring
8-Your favorite drink? invigorating
9-Your dream/goal? happiness
10-The room you're in? bedroom
11-Your ex? tall
12-Your fear? cancer
13-Where do you want to be in 6 years? w/family
14-Where were you last night? home
15-What your not? frugal
16-Muffins? bran
17-One of your wish list items? quiet :)
18-Where you grew up? California
19-The last thing you did? dishes
20- What are you wearing? pajamas
21- Your TV? off
22-Your pets? chameleon
23-Your computer? slow
24-Your life? Adventurous
25-Your Mood? cranky
26-Missing Someone? Adam
27-Your car? dirty
28-Something you're not wearing? shoes
29-Favorite Store? Target
30-Your summer? HOT
31-Like someone? sure
32-Your Favorite color? red
33-Last time you laughed? this morning
34-Last time you Cried? this morning
35- Who will re-post this? Cheryl
Posted by Cara Rigby at 9:16 AM 3 comments