Seven years ago today I married the love of my life, the man of my dreams, and the person who was made for me. My sweet Adam and I have been through A LOT these past years:
2 houses
1 night "roughing it" in Zions
7 moves
countless newts & fish
1 daughter being born
3 Chuck-A-Rama stores
heaven only knows how many jobs
5 cars
6 siblings getting married
1 sky diving trip
1 college graduation (that we didn't attend!)
all seasons of LOST, 24, Bones, Friends & Burn Notice
1 foreign trip & countless road trips
3 Dr. Mario tournaments
and an innumerable amount of good memories & laughs
I am in awe of the incredible man, devoted & involved father, patient & selfless husband, generous friend, brother & son, and honest & humble employee that he is. Words do not adequately express my love and admiration for him, for what he has taught me, and for what he makes me want to become. Here's to seven incredible wonderful, exciting, adventerous years and to the many more that will come! Love you babe~

Lovin' you Pab's!
Happy Anniversary you two! Seven years seemed to fly by, huh? We sure love you guys!
This is such a sweet post. We love you guys. It's true that you two were made for each other. We've said that multiple times. Here's to many more wonderful years together!!!
Happy Anniversary!
Congrats on the 7 years! Your man sounds like a keeper for sure! :)
Congrats guys! What a nice post and a beautiful picture. Hope you were able to celebrate in style. Congrats!
I really look up to you two, I hope I can be as happy as you are in 5 years! I dont doubt it for a minute though! :) COngrats!!!
Happy Anniversary Pwetzlers! what wonderful years and years and years and year...... hope this year brings you everything you hope for!! Love you guys. Thanks for moving to Bountiful..It is my favorite part about 2009 ;)
I cant believe youve been married that long!! Way to go!!You guys really are a great couple! So much fun! I hope youre enjoying yourselves up north! Youre def not missing much here at Chucks!!
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