About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, reader, wanna-be chef, interior designer who always has a project in mind, music lover, dish & silverware collecter, and runner. Plus a lot of other things, but I don't want to brag :)


Punkin Patch

While my mom was in town helping Kristin with her new beautiful baby, we thought it'd be fun to take the girlies to the Pumpkin Patch. It was. A lot of fun. They loved it. Well, Maci didn't love the pumpkin carts....suffice it to say she thought it was a very sketchy mode of transportation. They love playing in the maze, lifting the pumpkins in and out of the cart, weighing themselves and pretty much just being outside. Thanks for the pumpkins Gwamma!
After a trip to the patch, and a delicious spaghetti dinner, these two were wasted. Which is perfect for two moms who could put their baby girls to sleep so they could indulge in their guilty pleasure...America's Next Top Model. Seriously, you know you watch it to.


Baby "A-la"

Honestly, could I be a worse aunt?! Sweet beautiful Leila has been here for more than 2 weeks and I'm just getting around to putting pictures of her up. But, she's so cute, she'll probably forgive me because I'm her favoritist aunt. Anyways, she was born on the 8th at about 9:20 pm. Kristin had been super sick with piggy flu and so when she went into delivery she hadn't eaten in like 4 days, and was pretty much feeling crappy. (Sister, correct me if I'm wrong) She did amazing in labor....the whole 3 minutes she had to push ;) But, because she'd been sick and the hospital is in Nazi mode they took Leila away to a special nursery without even letting Kristin hold her. And that's just the beginning of a very long, emotional week for them. Point of the story....Leila is here and well and everyone seems to be adjusting.

This is Tan in the special nursery she had to be in. We had to scrub in & check ID's and put a whole bunch of stuff on just to see her. BTW, Kristin wasn't able to hold her until they checked out of the hospital on Saturday afternoon.

Cousin Scambs loving on baby A-la. After I got back from the hospital and told Cambs that Kristin had her baby and her name was baby Leila, she found an eraser & wrapped it up in a little dish towel and toted it around the house calling it "baby A-la." Oh my goodness it was cute!

Big Sister Maci. Oh man does she love this little girl a lot. She loves to kiss her, and look at her and help feed her. And pick her up :)
We are so glad that you are here Leila, I am so in love with you!


She likes to move it, move it

She gets her dance moves from Adam :)