We've done alot of swimming this summer, mostly because we invite ourselves to other people's houses :) Cambria LOVES to swim, and she is so fearless about it. She'll stay under the water, jump off the side, jump off the diving board...it's too funny. We put some googles on her so her eyes didn't hurt so much from constantly having her face under the water.

This is Trey....and we love him! Well, to be fair we love ALL the Rhoades kids. He is so good to take care of "baby Cambria" and make sure she is safe. I love it :)

Here's my awesome friend Haylee with Michael, who by the way does NOT like the water. Although, that may be because his crazy friend Cambria was splashing and jumping and laughing all around him.

Oh see how cute she looks with the googles! and her Cambria cleaveage :)

Trey and Michael enjoying Haylee's AMAZING homeade raspberry ice cream. I haven't had thirds of ice cream in a long time!

So, my amazing mom graduated from the University of Phoenix last week with a Bachelors in Psychology. She has worked SO hard, and long and overcome alot of difficult things to finish this and I couldn't be prouder of her. Although, I've said that for a long time now and she just keeps making me more proud. She is a strong, vibrant, faithful, loving, intelligent, funny and compassionate mother, woman and friend. She wouldn't let us make a big deal about it, so we went up to Mueller Park and had some sandwiches & s'mores. (Real celebretory huh?!) The girls had fun though, and I love being up there...it's so beautiful.