Since I highly doubt that I will get another post up here before Christmas, we just wanted to wish everyone a really great holiday season and I wanted to highlight a few of our favorite things from the past year:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.....
Posted by Cara Rigby at 2:28 PM 3 comments
2 Little Princesses
The other day Kristin and I were having cabin fever so we decided to take the girlies to Carls Jr. so they could play in the play place (is there a better name?). It was awesome! They were running around like crazy, giving other kids "hugs", and having a blast. There was this awesome lady there who was doing face painting for free so we had her do both of them. They sat so well and neither one of them wanted to take it off at the end of the they both went to bed as princesses.
Posted by Cara Rigby at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Anything but boring.....
I remember the days, pre-pregnancy, when I thought that life with kids would be boring and monotonous. Somedays are monotonous but very few are boring, especially these days. cambria gets herself into all sorts of silly places and despite my frustrations & challenges with her, her adventerous, silly, loveable, imaginative self is irresistable. See what I'm talking about...This is literally what we can call white trash :) While "helping" rake the leaves she had to take a ride in them and we honestly played in the garbage can for about an hour.

Posted by Cara Rigby at 4:01 PM 7 comments
Punkin Patch

Posted by Cara Rigby at 2:40 PM 6 comments
Baby "A-la"
Honestly, could I be a worse aunt?! Sweet beautiful Leila has been here for more than 2 weeks and I'm just getting around to putting pictures of her up. But, she's so cute, she'll probably forgive me because I'm her favoritist aunt. Anyways, she was born on the 8th at about 9:20 pm. Kristin had been super sick with piggy flu and so when she went into delivery she hadn't eaten in like 4 days, and was pretty much feeling crappy. (Sister, correct me if I'm wrong) She did amazing in labor....the whole 3 minutes she had to push ;) But, because she'd been sick and the hospital is in Nazi mode they took Leila away to a special nursery without even letting Kristin hold her. And that's just the beginning of a very long, emotional week for them. Point of the story....Leila is here and well and everyone seems to be adjusting. This is Tan in the special nursery she had to be in. We had to scrub in & check ID's and put a whole bunch of stuff on just to see her. BTW, Kristin wasn't able to hold her until they checked out of the hospital on Saturday afternoon.

Posted by Cara Rigby at 4:09 PM 2 comments
She likes to move it, move it
She gets her dance moves from Adam :)
Posted by Cara Rigby at 9:42 PM 7 comments
"Eww...don't put your fingers in your mouth!"
I don't think I can even count the number of times I said that phrase to Cambria on Wed, finally I just gave up! We had such an awesome time at the State Fair (thanks Sar!) this week. Cambria LOVED it....all the animals, all the running around, all the people, her stamped hand, everything! I was slightly surprised at how brave she was around the animals, although had Easton not been there I'm not sure she would have had the idea to actually give the animals kisses! Here are just a few pics of the day... The afore mentioned stamped hand that Cambria in showed it to EVERY single person that day, whether she knew them or not :)

Posted by Cara Rigby at 1:54 PM 6 comments
Girls Trip
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Since Hannah graduated from Highschool, my mom took her to Carmel & San Fransisco for a graduation trip. They left on a Saturday and drove down to this super cute house that my mom's aunt's husband has in Carmel. My mom told Han all about how her Uncle Herb was into importing things and that she needed to pick something up for him at the airport. So they drove out to the San Jose airport where they picked up this really cool package.....Kristin & I! We'd flew out there to surprise Han & join them on their trip. She was so surprised and we were so excited. Carmel is awesome! Expensive but beautiful. There are great little shops & cafes & the was perfect. We went up to San Fransisco on Thursday (we flew in on Tuesday) and oh how I love love love the city. I love the feeling of being lost in a crowd of people, of so much happening, of so many interesting and unique people & cultures all in one me it's really relaxing. We saw Chinatown, the Golden Gate bridge, Fishermans Wharf, Haight/Ashbury & walked around Sausilito. I've been there twice before and I love it. The architecture is inspiring & refreshing, the ocean is fabulous and the whole city is just amazing. Minus the one way streets. Hate those. Anyways, we had tons of fun and I have to tell my sweet husband again how grateful I am for letting me get away, for running back and forth to get & take Cambria to my in-laws, and for being such a good sport about it. I know it wasn't much fun for him, but it meant alot to me. He's so good to let me go & play with my fam when I need you babe :) Also, I should let my in-laws know again as well how grateful I am for them being willing to take Cambria for so long. I had a plan for friends in St. George to help out, but then we moved and we don't live as close to friends, so they were good enough to take her and watch her while Adam worked. Thanks!
Posted by Cara Rigby at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Summer Fun

We've done alot of swimming this summer, mostly because we invite ourselves to other people's houses :) Cambria LOVES to swim, and she is so fearless about it. She'll stay under the water, jump off the side, jump off the diving's too funny. We put some googles on her so her eyes didn't hurt so much from constantly having her face under the water.

This is Trey....and we love him! Well, to be fair we love ALL the Rhoades kids. He is so good to take care of "baby Cambria" and make sure she is safe. I love it :)

Here's my awesome friend Haylee with Michael, who by the way does NOT like the water. Although, that may be because his crazy friend Cambria was splashing and jumping and laughing all around him.

Oh see how cute she looks with the googles! and her Cambria cleaveage :)

Trey and Michael enjoying Haylee's AMAZING homeade raspberry ice cream. I haven't had thirds of ice cream in a long time!

So, my amazing mom graduated from the University of Phoenix last week with a Bachelors in Psychology. She has worked SO hard, and long and overcome alot of difficult things to finish this and I couldn't be prouder of her. Although, I've said that for a long time now and she just keeps making me more proud. She is a strong, vibrant, faithful, loving, intelligent, funny and compassionate mother, woman and friend. She wouldn't let us make a big deal about it, so we went up to Mueller Park and had some sandwiches & s'mores. (Real celebretory huh?!) The girls had fun though, and I love being up's so beautiful.
Posted by Cara Rigby at 9:29 PM 7 comments