Awhile ago Adam and I realized that when I was pregnant with Cambria we took a TON of pictures. One every month to see how big I was getting plus so many more. We have maybe 5 pictures of me this pregnancy. So we decided to do family/pregnancy pictures. We've also had our pictures taken as a family once since Cambria so we figured it was time. Anyways, Adams awesome cousin Caitlin ( took these of us and we loved them!

It's been nice to not have anything to post about for a while, which means that for the last little bit and time being that life has settled down for us. At least for the next 6 or 7 weeks. Around here we are all keeping our fingers crossed that Quincy comes before Thanksgiving so 1) I can enjoy my favorite thanksgiving dish, 2)so that Adam will be able to be there with me in the hospital since Thanksgiving is the busiest day and he would probably just say "Good luck. Send me a picture when she gets here" and 3)because I'm super ornary lately and I don't think my family will stick around much longer if I keep it up!
I've been feeling so anxious lately about another baby. I'm sure it's normal, but anxious for me is pretty overwhelming. I just have really loved having so much time alone with Cambria. She is so fun and quirky and silly. She's so excited to be a big sister and talks to my belly all the time. We decided on a middle name, but before we told her what we chose we asked her what it should be. She promptly answered "Toodles." It's debatable wether or not she watches too much Micky Mouse Clubhouse :) Her and Adam made a pact that they will both call her that. They are a funny pair.