I don't think I can even count the number of times I said that phrase to Cambria on Wed, finally I just gave up! We had such an awesome time at the State Fair (thanks Sar!) this week. Cambria LOVED it....all the animals, all the running around, all the people, her stamped hand, everything! I was slightly surprised at how brave she was around the animals, although had Easton not been there I'm not sure she would have had the idea to actually give the animals kisses! Here are just a few pics of the day...
The afore mentioned stamped hand that Cambria loved....as in showed it to EVERY single person that day, whether she knew them or not :)

E and Cambs feeding the goats. This was mostly where I was saying "Ewww....don't put your fingers in your mouth!" which of course she interprets as "Yum, better put my fingers in my mouth"

Mace wasn't really all that iterested in seeing the animals, and certainly not in feeding them. I think it's safe to say she had a pretty good kung-fu grip on Kristin for a majority of the day :)

One might think from this picture that Cambria in fact did not enjoy it, but she really did! She's pretty anti-conformist so when Sara said "Smile for the camera" this is what we get :)

Okay, seriously how cute is this picture! They just started holding hands all by themselves, no encouragement from moms at all. They are so cute, I'm so glad that they have each other. Note to self: Not a good idea for Cambria and Maci to hold hands & try to push a stroller. Major hitting ensues.

Everyone at the front gate...see there is her No-way, I'm-not-gonna-smile-just-because-you want-me-to-smile

Seriously....she is so funny. Keep reading, I'll tell the details of my stupid cast :)

I think this picture is hilarious...I love it! Cambs thought it was so funny to look at me & Maci seems super annoyed. It's just too funny.

Me and my beautiful seester, we are a "bushel" of fun :)

At the Shark Exhibit they had this cage the kiddies could get in....I'm in love with Eastons face. He is so dang cute, we had so much fun hanging out with those guys!

Sar, Easton and Jackson....aren't they too cute. Next time I have a baby, I hope he is the clone of Jackson. For 4 hours that sweet boy was totally content to sit in his stroller, check out the surrounding & drink. He is awesome!

So as un-flattering as this picture is of me it's the only one that I have with my cast on. This is the end result of a staph infection in my elbow that started on the 26 of August. My elbow was red and sore that night, and the next morning when I got up to go running it was swollen. I waited until the 28th to go to the dr. and by then my arm was swollen half way up the top part of my arm down to my wrist. He gave me 2 anti-biotics and said that if it kept swelling I would need to go into the ER. The next day just happened to be the day that we were moving and instead of resting, I lifted and worked and did way too much. I ran a fever of 102 and had major hot & cold chills. Kristin was working that night at LDS hospital so she took me to the ER with her. They gave me IV anti-biotics Friday, Sat, and twice on Sunday.
On Monday I felt a little better, but I hadn't eaten or been able to keep anything down since Friday and I was super weak. By Thursdays dr. appt the swelling had gone down, but there was a lot of fluid in my elbow, I had a 2 day fever of 103 and I wanted to die. Thank heavens my mom was still in town because she told the Dr. I wasn't taking anymore anti-biotics, and that something more drastic needed to be done. He called an orthopedic dr and sent me over there to get my elbow drained. Oh my, that was one of the most painful expieriances ever. Childbirth doesn't even come close to that. Anyways, after the cutting and prodding and cleaning and crying was over I was feeling way better by the end of that day. When I went back in over the long Labor Day weekend, he told me that my cut looked really good. I was excited! Now this long (expensive) ordeal was over! Nope, then he said we're gonna put you in a cast for 2 weeks. Honestly....I almost started to cry again. So now, 2 weeks later I'm finally gonna get my cast off, be able to do my hair, take a shower with both arms, and sleep comfortably.
I need to thank the people who took Cambs for the days I was on my death bed-Thank you. I love you all. Thank you to my mom who waited on me hand and foot during such an e motional busy time in her life. I love and appreciate you so much. Thank you to my nurses Mom and Kristin, even if I was semi-annoyed at times. A huge thanks to Adam for all that he did too-brush my teeth, help me dress, put on my deodarant, and have faith that things will be fine. I love you baby...you are such a strength and I know that it was a difficult time for you too. You never cease to amaze me.
Other than that, not much has been going on :)