There is too much for me to write about! So, to ease my anxiety about everything, I'll just use bullet format and hope that I'll get back into the swing of things soon!
-We got back up to Bountiful the last weekend in May (I know...almost a month!) and are just now unpacking the last of our boxes
-Adam started his new job as the Production Manager at the Bountiful Chuck-A-Rama. He is so great at his job, and we are so proud of him. It's funny though because he's worked there for so long now that nothing really sounds that good when we eat there!
-My cute youngest sister graduated from Bountiful High at the beginning of June. I can't believe how old it made me was 10 years to the date of my graduation. Weird. It was fun to be there with my mom and Kristin. Plus I loved listening to the RANDOM organ music the chick was playing. Songs from Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Les Miserables, was too funny.
-We took Cambria to Lagoon for a few hours with Eric, Feliz, Gav, Hayden, Becky and Caleb. She loved it, even more than I thought she would. She was so excited to go on the few rides that she could, but was just so excited about all the energy at the park. It was fun to be with Adam and his fam for awhile. Except when we went on the Rocket...hate that ride!

-Cambria's vocabulary has become much more extensive: Babia (cambria), happy belly, I want money (or anything else she can say) now!, no, Ninnee (Indee), Bampa (grandpa), Mahma (grandma), poo poo walk (not really sure what this means!) and so many other silly things. She is amazing and has really turned into such a little person. She is praying with us, singing songs, saying letters and numbers and becoming so independant. I'm so proud of her and love to be her mommy....even if she says no to me WAY more than I ever want to hear.
- Adam got super sick (probably swine flu) and that was horrible. Don't recommend getting that!
- We have been so busy seeing friends and family! It's been fun and we are grateful to live close by.
That's it for now, I'm sure there are things I missed though. Oh well....