First off...this is a long post. Secondly, you might think it's too long, but I did some serious editing on pictures. Third, it's worth it to look and see all the fun we had :)
So our trip started off...barfy. I guess that could be a word right? We flew into Portland at about noon and the flight was super turbulent. It was a full flight and Cambria was ancy. She'd missed a nap, blah blah. Let's just say it wasn't a good combination. We got our luggage and waited for the chauffers to pick us up. Within 5 minutes of being in the car, Cambria puked all over herself, the car & the carseat. Luckily our hotel wasn't too far away, but she was freakin out & touching it saying yuck. What a mess. Thankfully Bran is such a good uncle, and loves her that much that he got her out of the car seat & cleaned it up while I cleaned her up. At least she got it out of the way and the rest of the trip was awesome.
Marci & Rocky at our hotel (Thanks, Kar). Rocky is so cute and we had so much fun with her. She's so chill and easy to entertain. Both her and Cambria did an amazing job getting in and out and in and out of the car the first couple days. So proud of them!

Me, Bran & Marci at what could be a really cool place if you went at the right time. It was a Rose Garden with tons of rose bushes and was awesome. Next time we're out there right? ;)

It was freezing when we played in Portland, but Rocky is so sweet you wouldn't have even known she was cold. While we were there we went to the most AMAZING bookstore in the entire world. It was huge...I think Adam said it was like the biggest in the US or something. Honestly it was floor after floor of books, new and used. We spent probably an hour or so there, we could have spent much longer. It's called Powell's.....but I think it's only in Oregon.

This is at the zoo. Someone reading this might think that Cambria was so excited to be at the zoo (which she was), but her excitement was paled in comparison to Adam's. It's like his own personal candy shop....I'd gurantee he was more excited about it than any kid there, not just his own. It was a really cool zoo organized and easy to find things. Might have already said this, but Oregon makes it so easy to find where you are, where you are going & make it look good!

Yep she loved that...definately didn't come down off that one without a fight.

I love her...I just can't help but smile at her sweet, adventurous personality.

There was this part in the zoo that was netted off so you could go in and feed these really pretty birds. They just came up to your arm, sat there & drank the nectar. Clearly Rocky was really impressed by it :)

We camped the second night just a few steps from the coast...pretty cool spot huh? We all laid in the same tent with 2 pack n' plays for the girls. I say laid because I don't think anyone besides Cambria or Rocky slept...and even that is questionable. It was cold, and the air mattress that Brandon & Marci brought decided to get a hole in it so they didn't have a pad. Oh yeah, and it rained. The entire night. But, it was still fun to go camping. Way fun.

Right behind the tallest original lighthouse in the US. The cute old man who was the tour guide for the lighthouse told us that on the rocks out behind where we were standing, there are some birds (100,000) that live out there during part of the year. They are called Muree's and he said that they can dive 500 ft. into the ocean to get food. That's amazing. Except that Adam didn't believe me or him...thought we were both crazy. We aren't! He found it on the internet and it says they dive that deep. Feels good to be right every now and then.

The cool light house. It was SO rainy and foggy that day. It was supposed to be the beginning of whale migration week, so there are about 18000 grey whales out there in that fog. We didn't see them, but they were out there.

This cool place called the Devils Churn...very pretty. And scary.

Aww...what a cute family.

Cambi and I playing with a star fish. Yeah, don't worry she is soaking wet from the rain, but she didn't care. She wanted to touch everything, go see the seals on the rocks, play in the water. All the more testament that she is almost 100% Adams child. So much alike those two.

I may have to retract my earlier statement about Adam and the zoo....he might, just might, have been more excited about the tide pools. He could have stayed for hours, he loves to find stuff in tide pools. Man do I love him ;)
Thanks again you guys for being such great hosts, taking us all over, making us laugh & having SO much fun. Thank goodness that carseat didn't smell for the rest of the trip huh?! Oh did. Can't wait to see you guys this summer.