Conference weekend my two sisters and beautiful niece came down and it was so fun! Kristin bought tickets for her, Hannah and I to go to the Colbie Caillat concert at Tuacahn...which was awesome! We are lucky she bought them so early, because they were sold out the day that they went on sale to the public. It was fun to be just the three of us, Adam bravely stayed home with the girls. He had more fun than he let on. He said that he had put them down to sleep when Kristin's in-laws who were in town stopped by 5 minutes later. Maci woke up at the noise and so Adam brought her out to see them and tried to get Cambria to go back to sleep. That threw her into a fit of rage which sent her soon after rolling off the bed. My sweet Adam felt so bad!

All in all it was so fun to have them down....I miss living closer to my family. It's so nice to live on our own and be independant but it's also so nice to be surrounded by family and people that really know you.